Upcoming Events

Impacto de la Desinformación y la Información Errónea sobre Drogas en Niños y Adolescentes.

Location: Buenos Aires

ISSUP Argentina Webinar
ISSUP Argentina lo invita cordialmente a su seminario web sobre Impacto de la desinformación y desinformación sobre drogas en niños y adolescentes.
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Submitted on يکشنبه 8th سپتمبر 2024 - 22:33
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ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (24th Session): Cannabis Use Disorder - Changing Trends and Treatment Approaches

Location: Lagos, نايجېريا

ISSUP Nigeria Webinar flyer
ISSUP Nigeria would like to invite you to the 24th session of its bi-monthly webinar in the Knowledge Update Series. This webinar will focus on the topic of 'Cannabis Use Disorder - Changing Trends and Treatment Approaches'.
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Submitted on جمعه 6th سپتمبر 2024 - 16:40
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Integrating STI and HIV Prevention into the SBIRT Model

Location: Online

Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 @ 3:00-4:30pm ET


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Submitted on دوشنبه 19th اګست 2024 - 17:14
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Community Mobilisation, Co-Development, and Program Evaluation: Experiences from STAD’s Community-Based Interventions

Location: Stockholm, سويډن

ISSUP ICUDDR Webinar flyer
ISSUP, in collaboration with ICUDDR, cordially invites you to an upcoming webinar on Community Mobilisation, Co-Development, and Program Evaluation: Experiences from Stockholm Prevents Alcohol and Drug Problems (STAD)'s Community-Based Interventions.
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Submitted on دوشنبه 19th اګست 2024 - 12:45
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Location: Lima, پيرو

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Submitted on سه شنبه 3rd سپتمبر 2024 - 22:40
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ATI Basics: Models of Alternatives to Incarceration (ATI)

Location: Washington DC, امريکا متحده ایالات

Alternatives to Incarceration.
ISSUP, in collaboration with ICATI, cordially invites you to its next ATI webinar on Models of Alternatives to Incarceration (ATI).
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Submitted on دوشنبه 9th سپتمبر 2024 - 16:59
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Building Bridges: Enhancing Global Recovery Systems for International Recovery Day

Location: London, انګلستان

ISSUP-RUN Webinar flyer
ISSUP Global, in collaboration with the Recovered Users Network (RUN), invites you to a joint webinar titled "Building Bridges: Enhancing Global Recovery Systems for International Recovery Day," in celebration of International Recovery Day.
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Submitted on دوشنبه 9th سپتمبر 2024 - 22:57
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INEP Plus Training in Kenya (ISSUP Kenya)

Location: Nairobi, کېنيا

ISSUP Kenya INEP Plus training poster

ISSUP Kenya is recruiting for the second cohort of INEP+ that is set to begin in early October.

This introductory course covers the following topics: 

- Substance use epidemiology

- Prevention Science and Evidence Based Practices

- Family Based Prevention

- School Based Prevention

- Community Based Prevention

- Environment Based Prevention

- Media Based Prevention

- Monitoring and Evaluation


Start Date: 30th September 2024

For More Information Contact:+254718219829/ +254723030244


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Submitted on پنجشنبه 19th سپتمبر 2024 - 10:51
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Evidence-Based Advocacy for Policy Reform

Location: Online

Date: Wednesday, October 2, 2024 @ 3:00-4:30pm ET (2CT/1MT/12PT)


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Submitted on دوشنبه 19th اګست 2024 - 17:23
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NIDA-NIAAA Mini-Convention: Frontiers in Addiction Research

Location: Chicago, امريکا متحده ایالات

Friday, October 4, 2024
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. ALL TIMES CENTRAL
Location: Chicago, IL (exact location TBD)

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Submitted on سه شنبه 9th جولای 2024 - 13:33
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د مخدره توکو کاروونکو کې د روغتیا او هیپاټایټس په اړه د 12 نړیوال کنفرانس

Location: Athens, یونان

نیټه: 8-11 اکتوبر 2024

:ځای د میګارون نړیوال کنوانسیون مرکز، اتن، یونان

INHSU د هغو خلکو لپاره د نړۍ مخکښ کنفرانس دی چې د هغو خلکو روغتیا او هوساینې ته لیواله دی چې مخدره توکی کاروی. نوم لیکنه د اپریل په پیل کې پرانیستل کیږی - زموږ د خبر پاterې لپاره لاسلیک وکړئ کله چې دوی خلاص شی.

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Submitted on دوشنبه 15th اپریل 2024 - 17:52
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د NAADAC 2024 کلنۍ کنفرانس او هیل ورځ: زده کړه ، نښلول ، مدافع وکیل ، بریالی

Location: Washington, DC, امريکا متحده ایالات

د NAADAC 2024 کلنۍ کنفرانس او هیل ورځ لپاره نیټه خوندی کړئ: زده کړه ، وصل ، مدافع ، بریالی ، د اکتوبر په 18 - 23 ، 2024 کې د واشنګټن DC سیمه کې!
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Submitted on دوشنبه 13th نوومبر 2023 - 23:14
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2024 World Critical Care and Anesthesiology Conference

Location: OSAKA, جاپان

Event Baner

Episirus Scientifica welcomes you to attend  2024 World Critical Care and Anesthesiology Conference (2024 WCAC) to be held during October 18-19, 2024 around the theme ‘Explore global health issues and initiatives related to critical care and anesthesia’. This international meet (2024WCAC) anticipates hundreds of participants including keynote speakers, Oral presentations by renowned speakers and poster presenters besides delegates around the world.

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Submitted on چهارشنبه 10th جنوري 2024 - 07:07
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International Society of Addiction Journal Editors (ISAJE) Annual Meeting 2024

Location: Lisbon, پرتګال

Dates: October 20-22, 2024

Meeting sessions will be held over two days in 2024, with an opening reception the evening of October 20. We will meet in a hybrid format with both in-person and remote attendees. This meeting is generously hosted by the EMCDDA (soon to be EUDA) at their headquarters in Cais do Sodré, Lisbon.

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Submitted on يکشنبه 30th جون 2024 - 20:42
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5th Edition of Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry

Location: Maryland, امريکا متحده ایالات

About GAB 2024 | Hybrid Event

Building on the tremendous success of the past four editions, we are thrilled to announce the "5th Edition of Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry" (GAB 2024).

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Submitted on شنبه 30th مارچ 2024 - 14:25
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Conflict Resolution for Recovery

Location: Washington D.C., امريکا متحده ایالات

Conflict Resolution for

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Submitted on دوشنبه 19th اګست 2024 - 16:36
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Strategies for Overcoming Stigma: Addressing Substance Use Disorder in the United Kingdom

Location: London, انګلستان

ISSUP UK Webinar flyer
ISSUP UK presents an upcoming webinar on 22nd October on "Strategies for Overcoming Stigma: Addressing Substance Use Disorder in the United Kingdom."
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Submitted on جمعه 6th سپتمبر 2024 - 20:38
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Location: Lisbon, پرتګال

LxAddictions24: Empowering the workforce of the future

Lisbon Addictions 2024 (#LxAddictions24) will take place at the Lisbon Congress Centre from 23–25 October 2024, under the overarching theme ‘Empowering the workforce of the future'.  

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Submitted on شنبه 16th دسمبر 2023 - 21:15
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Faith, Families and Recovery Forum

Location: Online

Hosted by Adfam and Alcohol Change UK 
On Zoom, 10am to 11.30am UK Time, Monday 28 October 2024

Mind, body and soul: the Spinney Hill approach to addiction

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Submitted on سه شنبه 20th اګست 2024 - 10:16
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Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) 4: Basic Counselling Skills for Addiction Professionals Online Course

Location: Jakarta, اندونيزيا

















Image removed.


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Submitted on پنجشنبه 5th سپتمبر 2024 - 04:20
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Location: Seattle, امريکا متحده ایالات

Date: Oct 29 - Nov 1, 2024

Location: Seattle, WA

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Submitted on شنبه 30th مارچ 2024 - 13:40
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د الکولو او نورو مخدره توکو په اړه د اسټرالیا مسلکی ټولنه - کینبررا 2024

Location: Ngunnawal Country (Canberra), استرالیا

د الکول او نورو مخدره توکو په اړه د اسټرالیا مسلکی ټولنه تاسو ته بلنه درکوی APSAD کینبرا 2024 د اکتوبر له 30 څخه تر 2 نومبر 2024 پورې.

موږ ویاړو چې د اسټرالیا ترټولو پرمختللی صالحیت کې ستاسو کوربه توب کوو ، او د شمولیت موضوع سره په زړه پوری ، متحرک او معلوماتی برنامې چمتو کولو ته سترګې په لار یو. نوښت ... پرمختګ. 

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Submitted on دوشنبه 15th اپریل 2024 - 17:17
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د ۲۰۲۴ کال د اروپا د عامې روغتیا کنفرانس

Location: Lisbon, پرتګال

د ۲۰۲۴ کال د اروپا د عامې روغتیا کنفرانس

د اروپا د عامې روغتیا څپې کښتۍ: د نوښت سمندر سپړل

د اروپایی عامې روغتیا (EPH) کنفرانس بنسټ او د اروپا عامه روغتیا ټولنه (EUPHA) خوښ دی چې تاسو ته په لیزبون ، پرتګال کې د EPH 17 کنفرانس ته بلنه درکوی. د کنفرانس مشران ریکارډو میکسیا او سونیا دیاس دی.

اصلی کنفرانس: 13 - 15 نومبر 2024

مخکینی: د نومبر 12، 2024

ځای: لیزبون، پرتګال

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Submitted on دوشنبه 25th مارچ 2024 - 14:12
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د روانی ناروغیو 24 نړیوال کانګرس (WCP 2024)

Location: Mexico City, مکسيکو

د نومبر په 14-17 په مکسیکو ښار کې د روانی ناروغیو د 24 نړیوال کانګرس (WCP 2024) برخه شئ. دا څلور ورځنۍ پیښه د روانی روغتیا پاملرنې ملګرو سره د همکارۍ او خبرو اترو لپاره متحرک پلیټ فارم وړاندې کوی. تاسو به د خپل مسلک لوړولو لپاره چمتو او چمتو اوسئ. د متخصصینو څخه د وروستی لیدونو اوریدلو لپاره لومړی اوسئ ، راپورته شوی معلوماتو ته لاسرسی ومومئ ، او د ورته ننګونو سره مخ خلکو سره وصل کولو سره خپل مسلکی شبکه وده وکړئ.

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Submitted on شنبه 16th دسمبر 2023 - 22:18
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CSAM-SMCA 2024 Scientific Conference and Annual Meeting

Location: Ontario, کاناډا

The CSAM-SMCA 2024 Scientific Conference is Canada’s premier education and networking event for addiction medicine practitioners.

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Submitted on دوشنبه 15th اپریل 2024 - 17:24
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د علتونو امریکایی اکاډمۍ روانی (AAAP) 2024 کلنۍ ناسته او علمی سمپوزیم

Location: Florida, امريکا متحده ایالات

دا پیښه د روانی ناروغانو ، لومړنی پاملرنې ډاکټرانو ، او متحد روغتیا متخصصینو لپاره د موادو کارولو اختلالاتو او ګډ پیښیدونکی روانی اختلالاتو کې وروستی ساینسی پرمختګونه چمتو کوی. د کنفرانس هدف د روږدی روانی ناروغیو کې رامینځته شوی مسلې او رجحانات پیژندل دی او د مخدره توکو کارولو اختلالاتو تشخیص او درملنې او ګډ پیښیدونکی روانی اختلالاتو کې مخکښ وی.

:نېټه د نومبر 14 - 17th 2024


نیپلس ګرانډی بیچ ریزورډ
475 Seagate د ډاکټر
نیپلس، FL 34103

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Submitted on دوشنبه 15th اپریل 2024 - 17:29
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CAS 2024: International Conference on Drug Abuse and Addiction Studies

Location: Antalya, تورکيه

Welcome to CAS 2024:

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Submitted on چهارشنبه 28th فبروري 2024 - 14:58
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سیمین کنګره عامه صحت عامه اسیا

Location: Bali, اندونيزيا

Asian public mental health congress - Bali

د اسیا د عامه روانی روغتیا کانګرس به روانی ناروغانو او ساینس پوهانو ته چمتو کړی ترڅو د خپګان ، روږدی کیدو ، اضطراب او بایپولر اختلال برخو کې خپل وروستی څیړنیز کارونه وړاندې کړی. د دې هدف دا دی چې د روانی ناروغیو او نیوروسینس ساحو ډیری څانګو څخه د څیړونکو او کلیدی څیړونکو ترمینځ بحث تغذیه کړی ترڅو په لوی شرایطو کې د خپګان څیړنې ځای په ځای کړی او په مثالی ډول نوی کشفونو ته وده ورکړی. APMHC 2024 به د روانی روغتیا متخصصینو ، روانی پوهانو او څیړونکو یو انډیسپلینری او نړیواله ډله سره یوځای کړی چې د ارواپوهنې ، چاپیریال ، جنیټیک او کیمیا برخو څخه دی.

هدف لیدونکی:

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Submitted on چهارشنبه 3rd جنوري 2024 - 15:00
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د مخدره توکو سره د مبارزې په اړه د اروپا کنفرانس

Location: Brussels, بلجیم

بروکسل، 26 - 27 نومبر 2024

اروپایی ټولنه (EU) د مخدره توکو پورې اړوند تاوتریخوالی په اړه په یوه مهم ټکی کې دی. دا ډول تاوتریخوالی په ډیری ب formsو کې راځی او په پیچلتیا کې وده کوی. دا په منظم جرم تغذیه کوی چې په نازک ټولنیز چاپیریال کې پیښیږی ، ټولنې اغیزه کوی او یو شمیر ستونزې دوام لری.

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Submitted on سه شنبه 30th جولای 2024 - 10:35
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Conflict Resolution for Recovery

Location: Online

Conflict Resolution for

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Submitted on دوشنبه 19th اګست 2024 - 16:45
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RCGP & AP Managing addictions in primary care 2025

Location: Manchester, انګلستان

RCGP primary care conference 2025.

The 29th Managing addictions in primary care conference will take place on Thursday 16 and Friday 17 January 2025 in Manchester. 

This will be an in-person conference taking place at The Lowry Hotel, Manchester with streaming of the main room sessions live for those who are unable to attend in person. All sessions will also be recorded and uploaded for all registrants to view for 6 months post-event, this will include most workshop sessions.

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Submitted on دوشنبه 9th سپتمبر 2024 - 09:38
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Online Training - Families, Drugs & Alcohol: Essential Skills

Location: Online

Join our online training course, which looks at brief interventions for working with families affected by drug and alcohol use. This course is designed for anyone working with adult family members affected by someone else’s drug or alcohol use. No previous experience required.

  • Friday 17th January 2025, 9.30am - 3.30pm
  • Trainer: Lauren Booker
  • Cost: £100

By the end of this course learners will be able to:

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Submitted on جمعه 30th اګست 2024 - 09:39
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SAMHSA’s 21st Prevention Day

Location: Washington D.C., امريکا متحده ایالات


Now Open: Call for Abstracts!

Share your substance use prevention successes, challenges, lessons learned, and insights with colleagues from across the country.

Deadline: September 4, 2024 (at 11:59 p.m. ET)


SAMHSA’s Prevention Day brings together over 4,000 prevention practitioners, advocates, scientists, leaders (community, state, tribal, federal), and consumers at the largest federal gathering dedicated to advancing the prevention of substance use.

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Submitted on دوشنبه 19th اګست 2024 - 16:27
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Online Training - Using CBT to support families affected by addiction

Location: Online

Online training - Using CBT Skills to support families affected by addiction

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Submitted on دوشنبه 9th سپتمبر 2024 - 14:27
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Online Training - Parental Substance Use: Advanced Skills

Location: Online

Online training - Parental Substance Use: Advanced Skills

Join our two-day training course, which focuses on recognising and responding to the impact that parental substance use can have on children and other family members and on understanding how to reduce the risk of harm.

  • Day 1: Monday 24th February 2025, 9.30am - 3.30pm
  • Day 2: Monday 10th March 2025, 9.30am - 3.30pm
  • Trainer: Lauren Booker
  • Cost: £150

By the end of this course learners will be able to:

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Submitted on دوشنبه 9th سپتمبر 2024 - 14:30
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