Quality in Treatment


As professionals, we have a duty to ensure the treatment we provide is of quality – is of a known standard and is in line with international guidance. ISSUP Quality in Treatment Network aims to share good practice and promote quality and quality assurance in drug (and alcohol) use disorder (DUD) treatment.


People with drug use disorders are entitled to the same quality of treatment as any other group. We have solid evidence drug treatment ‘works’ – it can really help people reduce health and social risks, improve health and overcome dependence on substances.  We have internationally-agreed, evidence-based guidance from WHO/UNODC (2020) on how to provide effective, quality drug treatment systems and services.

Yet, we have work to do. We know from the UNODC World Drug Reports that access to drug treatment is limited in many areas. Some countries lack recommended components of treatment or provide treatment that is not line with the international evidence-base, human rights or ethics. BUT we can help change this. There are excellent international, national and local initiatives to pilot and implement quality assurance in drug treatment services and systems we can promote. We can share our experience and learning around key quality themes such as safety; effectiveness; accessibility; efficiency; equity; and service user involvement though webinars, discussions and knowledge share.

How - Join us

Join the Quality in Treatment Network and help build a network of passionate people who can contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals of improving the quality of treatment globally.



  • UNODC (2020) World Drug Report, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Vienna.
  • WHO/UNODC (2020) World Health Organisation/United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime ‘International Standards for drug use disorder treatment’, WHO, Geneva.
  • United Nations (2015) 'Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,' United Nations https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/
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