Welcome to the Online Learning Hub!

UC online logoWelcome to the Online Learning Hub! Here you will find access for ISSUP members to the online versions of the Universal Prevention, Treatment & Recovery Curricula (UPC, UTC & URC).

Instructor-led Courses

Instructor led course imageMeet at set times with a live instructor!

Many of the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) and Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) training programs are now being piloted online.  These courses are instructor-led with interactive activities, videos, reading assignments, knowledge checks, and a final assessment.  

The instructor-led courses will be available on a set schedule with some synchronous sessions with a trainer.  Each course will have its own schedule and synchronous time requirements.  It is important to note the dates of your classes so that you can complete the asynchronous work and attend the synchronous sessions.   The instructor will support participants all the way through the course, offering personalized direct feedback through office hours, forums, and synchronous class sessions. 

Participants can earn education credits toward an International Certified Addiction Professional (ICAP) certification or renew an existing one.

Most of the UTC and UPC courses will be converted to the instructor-led modality over the next two years, keep visiting us to find out what is available!

Self-led Courses

Self led course imageGo at your own pace with a push of a button! 

The first eight Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) courses will be developed to a self-led online platform with interactive activities, videos, journal entries, knowledge checks, and self-assessments.  These UTC courses are designed to be completed at the learner’s convenience according to their own timeline.  Participants can connect with other professionals through the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) network and can join a unique network with other participants taking the same self-led online courses.  For each course completed, the participant will earn education credits toward an International Certified Addiction Professional (ICAP) certification or use the course credit as continuing hours of education in renewing an existing credential.

The Universal Curricula for prevention, treatment, and recovery support in Spanish will be converted to the self-led platform over the next few years.  In the meantime, the available self-led courses in English can be found here.


Learn more about the Universal Curriculum here.

How to take a course:

If you have been invited to participate in a course by your training provider, please follow that link to your registration page. For full registration instructions, please visit our registration guide.

Once the courses have been piloted and are being run by Training Providers, you will find links to the courses on our webpages.

All the courses are hosted on HealtheKnowledge.org. All course participants must be ISSUP members and register via the ISSUP website. Once the course is completed, this will be added to your My ISSUP profile.

The Online Learning Hub was created in partnership with:


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This piece of content is not translated in Pashto. View the original content in انګرېزي here.