ICAP certification

The Global Center for Credentialling and Certification (GCCC) provides experience verification and appropriate exams to ensure that governments and other employers are hiring and utilizing the most qualified professionals to improve the likelihood of positive outcomes for individuals, families, and communities.

Become an International Certified Addiction Professional (ICAP)

  • Help individuals, families, and communities address the devastating impact of addiction.
  • Use the latest in research-based prevention, interventions, and treatment and support modalities.
  • Accelerate your career with credentials that indicate passion and commitment to high standards for treatment.

Find out more about:



A Certified Professional in Prevention has been trained in the science of substance use and abuse prevention. They have met the minimum standards for education/training, supervised experience, and passed the ICAP-Prevention exam.


ICAP-Prevention I requires 2 years full-time or 3,000 hours of working experience on prevention of substance use & a bachelor’s
degree in a relevant field; 150 completed hours of supervised practical experience in a required prevention
activity and a minimum of 120 documented hours of prevention education and/or training. Included in this total must beat least 6 contact hours of physiology and pharmacology related to substance use and 6 contact hours of
ethics training.

ICAP-Prevention II requires five years full-time or 7,500 hours of working experience on prevention of substance use and a bachelor’s degree in a relevant, 300 completed hours of supervised practical experience and  minimum of 240 documented hours of prevention education and/or training. Included in this total must be at least 6 contact hours of physiology and pharmacology related to substance use and 6 contact hours of ethics training

Special Population Endorsements (coming soon):

Family-based Prevention
School-based Prevention
Community-based Prevention
Workplace-based Prevention
Environment-based Prevention
Media-based Prevention


A Certified Professional in Treatment has been credentialed and has been trained in the science of Substance Use Disorder Treatment. They have met the minimum standards for education/training, supervised experience, and passed the appropriate ICAP-Treatment level exam.


ICAP Treatment-I requires 1 year of supervised experience and 120 hours of education/training
ICAP Treatment-II requires 2 years of supervised experience and 240 hours of education/training
ICAP Treatment-III requires 5 years of supervised experience and 500 hours of education/training
ICAP Treatment-IV requires a Master’s degree or higher in SUD/Addiction and/or related counseling subjects 5 years of supervised experience and 500 hours of education/training

Special Population Endorsements (coming soon):

Specialized Treatment for Women
Specialized Treatment for Children

Recovery Support

A Certified Professional in Recovery Support has been trained in the best practices of supporting those in recovery of addiction.


100 hours of substance use disorder (SUD) recovery support and peer training
1 Year of supervised experience in a SUD-related field

All ICAPS are valid for 3 years. Continuing education is required for Renewal.

This piece of content is not translated in Pashto. View the original content in انګرېزي here.