ISSUP Webinars

ISSUP Webinars provide opportunities for those working in substance use prevention, treatment and recovery support to learn and develop through being in direct contact with experts.

Participate in upcoming webinars or view recordings of past webinars, watch Q&A sessions, and use the various resources, tools, materials and documents to inform your own practice.

You can also view event listings for details of forthcoming ISSUP and non-ISSUP webinars.

Webinars and online events delivered and hosted by the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) are provided for informational purposes only. They are educational in nature and do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The views expressed by speakers or other third parties are those of the speaker or third-party and not, necessarily, those of ISSUP. Where links are provided to other sites and resources of third parties, these links are provided for your information only. ISSUP neither endorses not accepts responsibility for the contents of those sites or resources.

This piece of content is not translated in Pashto. View the original content in انګرېزي here.