Friends of ISSUP (USA)

Friends of ISSUP was created in 2024 and has been established as an independent, not for profit corporation in the United States of America (USA).

Friends of ISSUP supports the mission of the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) to establish substance use prevention, treatment and recovery support as a unique and multidisciplinary field through the professionalisation and development of its network of professionals.  Read more about ISSUP and our rationale.

It is governed by a group of Directors, all of whom have significant experience of the drug demand reduction field at all levels from within the government and non-government sectors.

The Chair of Friends of ISSUP is Joel J Johnson, President and CEO of TASC, based in Chicago, alongside the following, who all serve as Directors of the corporation:

Friends of ISSUP relies on support from key stakeholders to support the USA and Global drug demand workforce.

If you would like to learn more, please contact info [at] issup [dot] net.  Please also consider becoming a member of ISSUP.  Our membership structure is designed to enable ISSUP members to maintain relevant knowledge and experience, to create opportunities for training, and to offer a range of tools for networking and sharing knowledge across the international drug demand reduction workforce.

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