Common Questions


1.      What are ISSUP National Chapters?

A key part of ISSUP’s contribution to building an international network tackling drug demand reduction is through the ISSUP National Chapters. Through ISSUP National Chapters we can ensure that our work is culturally sensitive. We partner with local organisations to establish a national focal point where members can learn from experts, receive training, and attend valuable networking opportunities in their own countries. Learn more about our National Chapters and the countries we work in here

2.      How do I look up and connect with other ISSUP members in my country?

Become a member! ISSUP membership gives you access to our Member Directory, which you will find on our website in your My ISSUP dashboard. You can search for members by name or country and then use the contact feature to connect with them. You can also connect with members through online discussion groups, in-person events, and by taking part in regional initiatives provided through our network of National Chapters.

3.      How is ISSUP funded?

ISSUP was set up with assistance from the Drug Advisory Programme of the Colombo Plan (DAP) with funds provided by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL). It now continues to be funded by INL, to support their remit to engage and support the global drug demand reduction workforce.

4.      What are the benefits of being an ISSUP member?

We’re a network that accepts everyone, wherever they are, and we work hard to create a sense of belonging for everyone who joins us. By becoming a member, individuals can access our full range of services and benefits. We are always refining features and adding to the benefits available to our members. Click here to take a look at what we offer.

5.      What is ISSUP’s aim?

ISSUP offers the potential for substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery support to be revolutionised as a field of activity that can be based on evidence, quality standards, and sound ethical best practice. The challenge is to apply the science, making it accessible and comprehensible for everyone. At a fundamental level, we exist to connect people and make it easier to collaborate with one other. We’re a bridge between science and research findings and their application to policy and practice. In short, our mission is to contribute globally to those active in the field of drug demand reduction so that their inputs have impact; are readily accessible and comprehensible; and as effective as possible.

6.      How can ISSUP help me access training?

You can access training opportunities through the Professional Development area of our website. There you will find online versions of the Universal Prevention, Treatment & Recovery Curricula (UPC, UTC & URC), details of Instructor Led courses, ICAP Certification, and information on training providers in your region.

Take control of your learning journey and expand your knowledge by enrolling in a UTC Self Led Course (available in English and Spanish).

ISSUP webinars are another excellent way to expand your knowledge. See the range of upcoming and past ISSUP Webinars here.

ISSUP also offers training through its National Chapters in offering such courses as INEP (An introduction to Evidence-based Prevention.

Furthermore, the ISSUP Knowledge Share is a library of content including research, publications and news that can support learning and professional development.

7.      Where can I access ISSUP webinars (recordings)?

Access both the registration links and recordings of past ISSUP Webinars in the ISSUP Website Professional Development Section:

8.      Does ISSUP issue bursaries/scholarships?

We do not currently have a bursary or scholarship scheme.

9.      Where can I access my ISSUP membership certificate?

Please log in to your ISSUP account and visit the My ISSUP Dashboard: There is a link to download your certificate under the red My Membership banner on that page.

10.     How do I get an attendance certificate for the webinar I attended?

You will receive your Certificate of Participation via email within 24 – 48 hours after attending an ISSUP Webinar. The Certificate is located at the bottom of the follow-up email from GoToWebinar. If you did not receive your Certificate, please email info [at] issup [dot] net (info[at]issup[dot]net) for a copy.

11.     Why can I not log in to my ISSUP account?

  • You may be mistyping your email address. Please check the spelling in the email address.
  • You may be entering the incorrect password. Passwords are case sensitive, please check the casing of letters in the password.
  • If you have forgotten your password, it can be reset.
    1. Enter your registered email address on the form at .
    2. An automated email will be sent to you with a link you can use one time to log in automatically. Please check your junk mail folder.
    3. Follow the link in the email to return to the ISSUP website and click the Log in button.
    4. Enter a new password in both boxes and click Save.
    5. You are now logged in and can continue to access the website.  Remember the password so you can use it the next time you need to log in.
  • An account may simply not exist for the email address being used.  The only way to check this is by emailing info [at] issup [dot] net (info[at]issup[dot]net) and specifying the email address being used.  We will inform you if an account exists for this email address or not.

12.     I think I have more than one ISSUP account, what do I do?

  • We will soon be able to merge multiple ISSUP accounts. If you think you have more than one ISSUP account and would like all the accounts to be merged, then you should email info [at] issup [dot] net (info[at]issup[dot]net).
  • In the email, please specify:
    • all the email addresses for which you think you have an ISSUP account for.
    • the email address of the account you want to keep as the primary account.

13.     How can ISSUP help me get a qualification/credential?

In order to ensure that governments and other employers are hiring and using the most qualified professionals in the drug demand reduction field, ISSUP supports the work of the Global Center for Credentialling and Certification (GCCC). International certified addiction professionals are trained to help individuals, families and communities who are affected by substance use.

Here, you can find out more about the different courses that are available, the qualification process and the Global Center for Credentialing and Certification (GCCC).

14.     How do I become a Training Provider?

To enhance the worldwide prevention, treatment, and recovery support workforce, select international education and training providers are encouraged to offer professional development in their countries and regions. Training providers and coordinators are managed by Colombo Plan.

In order to become a training provider, you must meet specific criteria, which you can find here. If you meet the training provider criteria, you apply to become a training provider in your country through the Training Provider Application link.

On approval, each organisation will have a coordinator assigned based on regional location. You can find out more information about coming a training provider and details of regional training provider coordinators here.

This piece of content is not translated in Pусский. View the original content in Английский here.