
Applying interventions designed to reduce and manage the symptoms of substance use disorders. 

Motivational Interviewing: A Pathway to Partnership in Care

Opinion piece, commentary
Motivational Interviewing (MI) has long been a personal favourite amongst intervention modalities. Much of the work my teams and I have done in the Addiction Psychiatry Division at the University of Cape Town has been anchored in MI’s core...

Anti-Stigma Network: Developing inclusion - substance use related stigma across general practise

Event Date

What positive steps can we make to ensure that stigmatisation within a GP setting is reduced for people who use drugs and alcohol? A person-centred approach, appropriate language and addressing implicit bias could be key. Hear from three healthcare providers across the UK and Ireland who share their experiences and tips for best practice.

Time: 12:30PM - 2PM UK Time

Nonmedical Benzodiazepines in Canada

The Canadian Community Epidemiology Network on Drug Use (CCENDU), co-ordinated by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA), publishes this newsletter regularly to inform people living in Canada about emerging substance use...

UTC - 4 Based Basic Counselling Skills programme

UTC - 4 Based Basic Counselling Skills Programme Basic counseling skills and drug counseling are a valuable tool for the development of a very important function in Sri Lankan society. The importance of a scientific and evidence-based...
UTC - 4 Based Basic Counselling Skills Programme