Substance use issues affecting specific groups, considering their unique risk factors and needs.
The changing DNA of serious and organised crime

Anti-Stigma Network: Developing inclusion - substance use related stigma across general practise
What positive steps can we make to ensure that stigmatisation within a GP setting is reduced for people who use drugs and alcohol? A person-centred approach, appropriate language and addressing implicit bias could be key. Hear from three healthcare providers across the UK and Ireland who share their experiences and tips for best practice.
Time: 12:30PM - 2PM UK Time
Substance Use Monitoring and Surveillance: Challenges faced by LMICs

13th International Aids Society Conference on HIV Science
IAS 2025, the 13th IAS Conference on HIV Science, will take place in Kigali, Rwanda, from 13 to 17 July 2025, with pre-conferences on 13 July.
Scientists study the adolescent brain to understand substance use risk

The 16th AIDSImpact Conference
As time goes by we mark the ongoing challenges for people living with HIV. With a long lens on the evolving reality the world is changing, countries face multiple crises and people living with HIV have evolving and complex needs. This conference will gather in the vibrant city of Casablanca to explore the psychosocial aspects of HIV across the age spectrum.
Gender mainstreaming for health managers: a practical approach
Addressing gender-based violence against women and people of diverse gender identity and expression who use drugs

Joint Meeting on Youth Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery
Rebuilding the clinical and public health infrastructure for our nation’s youth