
El Capítulo Nacional de ISSUP Perú en coordinación con las instituciones integrantes como el Ministerio de Salud, DEVIDA Perú, la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, la @Embajada de Estados Unidos en Perú y CARE Perú, en cumplimiento del Plan de Acción 2022, ha programado el evento en el marco del “Día internacional de Lucha contra el uso indebido y el tráfico Ilícito de drogas”.
ISSUP Ukraine and ITTC-Ukraine welcome you to a joint initiative dedicated to the ongoing war and the horrific events resulting from Russia’s attack on Ukraine: Consultation on Ukraine emergency issues: ‘Providing mental health support and care to people affected by the War: general topics and specific cases’
ISSUP Ukraine and ITTC-Ukraine welcome you to a joint initiative dedicated to the ongoing war and the horrific events resulting from Russia’s attack on Ukraine: Consultation on Ukraine emergency issues: ‘Providing mental health support and care to people affected by the War: general topics and specific cases’
ISSUP Ukraine and ITTC-Ukraine welcome you to a joint initiative dedicated to the ongoing war and the horrific events resulting from Russia’s attack on Ukraine: Consultation on Ukraine emergency issues: ‘Providing mental health support and care to people affected by the War: general topics and specific cases’
ISSUP Chile presented a webinar focused on an intercultural approach to the consumption of
The South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SANCA) which is the host organization for ISSUP South Africa recently hosted another world-class, innovative conference dubbed the Addiction 2022 Practitioners Forum (APF) under the theme “Unmasking Substance Use Disorder Treatment”.
In July 2022 ISSUP staff travelled to Argentina to meet colleagues, take part in the launch of a new master's course and conduct on-site visits ahead of the 2023 Regional Conference.
Revista CIJ Informa 97
Introducción Según el último Informe Mundial sobre las Drogas publicado por la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC, por sus siglas en inglés) correspondiente al año 2022, alrededor de 284 millones de personas de entre 15 y 64 años consumieron drogas.
Open lectures to be provided by the joint initiative between ISSUP Ukraine, ISSUP Kazakhstan, and ITTC Ukraine.