
ISSUP Botswana would like to invite you to their Webinar on Clinical Supervision in Botswana.
ISSUP Colombia vás zve na svůj webinář o toxikologii zneužívaných drog.
Over the past few months, Casa Rosetta have been busy promoting their work and the National Chapter in Italy.  Some of these activities include:- In April 2023, the preliminary version of the second article on the topic of acceptability of using mobile health (mHealth) as an intervention tool for people with drug use disorders in Tanga, Tanzania was launched online.  The link to the article can be found below.
Welcome to this edition! We are excited to connect with you and bring you updates, resources, and job opportunities from around the world.
Mezinárodní společnost profesionálů v oblasti užívání návykových látek (ISSUP) by se ráda podělila o svůj záměr založit národní pobočku v Salvadoru.
Você já pode reservar a data da sua participação no 8° Congresso Internacional Freemind 2023, porque você é o nosso convidado especial em mais um grande Congresso Freemind.
ISSUP by vás rád pozval k účasti na jejich webináři o dětech a rodinách postižených užíváním drog rodiči. Čas: 14:00 britského času Evropa, 23. srpna 2023
According to the current WHO report of 2023, Uganda is ranked the highest alcohol consumer in the African Region with a per capita alcohol consumption of 12.21 liters among adults. Harmful use of alcohol is associated with a range of Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases, mental and psychological conditions, interpersonal violence, road traffic injuries, and Deaths.
O aguardado 8º Congresso Internacional Freemind está programado para acontecer em São José dos Campos (SP), do dia 29 de novembro ao dia 2 de dezembro, reunindo especialistas nacionais e internacionais para debater novas estratégias da prevenção, tratamento e reinserção ao uso de substâncias.
Hrozby syntetických drog se tento měsíc dostaly do centra pozornosti poté, co americký ministr zahraničí Antony J. Blinken na ministerské úrovni oznámil založení Globální koalice pro řešení hrozeb syntetických drog.