
Velice děkuji Síti občanské společnosti Pákistán, zejména panu Akamalu Ovasi Sahibovi, Dr. Riaz Sahibovi, Dr.
ISSUP Nigeria would like to invite you to attend their next Bi-Monthly Webinar in the Knowledge Update Series. The Webinar topic will be Beyond Dependence: Alcohol-induced Disorders. Time: 3PM Nigeria Time | 3PM UK Time Register for the Webinar    Learning Outcomes:
With assistance from the Support. Don’t Punish Campaign, the ISSUP Gambia National Chapter organized a school intervention program as part of its commemorations marking the International Day Against
As part of its day’s long event celebrating the International Day Against
Gambijská národní pobočka ISSUP se v neděli 26. června 2022 připojila ke zbytku světa, aby oslavila Mezinárodní den proti zneužívání drog a nezákonnému obchodování, označovaný také jako Světový den drog ve velkém stylu.  
The project to create Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) Self-Led courses began in 2018. Learn more about this ground-breaking project in a guest article from the Global Centre for Credentialing and Certification (GCCC).
We are pleased to share details of our intention to establish a National Chapter in Guatemala.
Este lunes 11 de julio, a las 20:00 hrs. se realizará la reunión académica del Grupo de Trabajo de Adicciones de Sonepsyn, junto a ISSUP-Chile.
Desde 2019 a Associação ISSUP Brasil e o Ministério da Cidadania, através da Secretaria Nacional de Cuidados e Prevenção às Drogas - SENAPRED tem trabalhado em conjunto por meio da celebração de um Acordo de Cooperação Técnica (ACT), com o objetivo de realizar estudos,