
ISSUP Libanon by vás rád pozval k účasti na jejich webináři o příbězích o úspěchu: Co funguje a co nefunguje ve školních preventivních programech pro dospívající (jako je Unplugged).
ISSUP Philippines would like to invite you to attend Part II of their upcoming Webinar Series. This Webinar will focus on Best Practices: Understanding Why and How to Assess and Treat Co-occurring Disorders: Sex and Drugs.
ISSUP Philippines would like to invite you attend Part I of their upcoming Webinar Series. Part I will focus on 'Prodependence: Moving Beyond Codependency'.
Rádi bychom se podělili o náš záměr zřídit národní pobočku v Malajsii.
ISSUP Pákistán by vás rád pozval k účasti na nadcházejícím webináři na téma psychologický kapitál 2. října 2020.
Termín pro účast na workshopu zůstane otevřený do 30. listopadu 2020, proto zpřístupňujeme 30 volných míst pro členy ISSUP Global, ISSUP Brasil a všech dalších národních poboček po celém světě.
ISSUP India would like to invite you to attend their upcoming Webinar presented by Mr. William D. Crano on Substance Use Disorder and Behaviour Change Communication.
Today on 18th September, 2020 Mr. Bashir Ahmad Naz President of ISSUP Pakistan Chapter had meeting with Directors of ISSUP Pakistan and Members also distributed ICAP Certificates among Candidates who passed ICAP Exam held at Pakistan along with Senior Advisor CPDAP at Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore.
Demand reduction, prevention, and effective treatment services – based on robust epidemiological evidence of substance use across Africa - seen as vital solutions to Africa's growing drug problem.
Free Learning Opportunity! ''ONE DAY TRAINING WORKSHOP ON COUNSELLING SKILLS'' (Motivational Interviewing , Self-Disclosure) is going to be Conduct by Dr. Rehab Clinic International and Youth Form Pakistan in Collaboration with ISSUP Pakistan, Nishan Rehab Islamabad and Subhan Medical Center Trust on 27th September, 2020 at Doctors Rehab Clinic Intl. Banigala Islamabad-Pakistan.