
Výzva pro řečníky: doprovodná akce na Partnerském fóru ECOSOC 2023

Shared by Edie - 4 Leden 2023
Originally posted by Edie - 4 Leden 2023

VNGOC společně s NYNGOC a oddělením občanské společnosti UNODC pořádá dne 31. ledna 2023 v 8:30 online doprovodnou akci v rámci partnerského fóra ECOSOC 2023. Akce nese název: Ústřední úloha občanské společnosti v protidrogové politice, COVID-19 a dosažení Agendy 2030

VNGOC hledá 3-4 řečníky...

Enrico Caja

I am currently working on a partnership with a governmental organization in support of their current education campaign. What I am hoping is to be able to present it from a non law enforcement perspective in order to generate a better connection with the youth and the community. This is a response after the so called "war on drugs" which was launched by the past administration. There may still be a climate of fear hence, hindering better access for users who maybe in need of assistance. We may need to go beyond the so called "whole of government approach" into a more whole of nation approach. The government cannot do it alone hence, partnerships at this point and time is crucial and may provide a win win situation for both government, other organizations and the users without the fear.