
At the end of June ISSUP attended two important meetings in London, that shared space and knowledge!
Η τελική διάσκεψη διάδοσης UPC-Adapt (30 Νοεμβρίου) σε συνεργασία με την Ακαδημία EMCDDA/REITOX (28-29 Νοεμβρίου) για την πρόληψη θα πραγματοποιηθεί στην Πράγα της Τσεχίας.
The ISSUP staff team met in June to discuss the coming months and updates to the website. The ISSUP team works remotely in different locations internationally so it is great to come together face-to-face to work on big developments and nuanced tasks. 
Last week Joanna Travis-Roberts attended the 3rd ICUDDR conference in San Diego, USA. The International Consortium of Universities for
At the beginning of June ISSUP staff attended the Trainer Development Task Force Meeting in Washington, DC. A number of experts came together to discuss the development of a trainer recruitment and skills development model for healthcare professionals interested in or currently working in the substance use prevention or
We're looking for a UK-based contractor or agency to work with our in-house development team to add the Networks functionality to our existing website.
At the beginning of March the ISSUP team came together in England for a three day staff meeting.
At the start of February the ISSUP team met to discuss new plans for the website.
The 3rd ICUDDR Conference will take place in San Diego from June 4 – 5, 2018.
Last week ISSUP staff attended the Global Drug Demand Reduction Partners on Workforce Development meeting in Washington, D.C.