Knowledge About Drug Abuse (KADA) is an informative book on substance Abuse and drug misuse. It contains basic information and things you need to know about the dangers of Abusing drugs, drug misuse, consequences/effect and prevention/Remedies.
ISSUP Nigeria desea presentar el próximo seminario web bimensual en su serie de actualización de conocimientos. Este seminario web se centrará en la "Experiencia de aprendizaje del curso de posgrado de la Universidad de Claremont en ciencias de los medios para la prevención del uso de drogas basada en la evidencia".
This week the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) has released the European Prevention Curriculum - a handbook designed for decision, opinion and policy makers in science-based prevention of substance use. The aim of the EUPCinitiative is to implement a standardised prevention training curriculum in Europe and improve the overall effectiveness of prevention.
The abstract submission deadline EXTENDED! Abstract submissions for our event taking place online and in person in Abu Dhabi: 11-16th May, 2022 has been extended to 31st October! Find out more about the event and submit your abstract:
ISSUP Nigeria would like to invite you to attend the next Bi-Monthly Webinar in their Knowledge Update Series. This Webinar will focus on 'Standing up to Peer Pressure on Substance Abuse in Schools'.
ICUDDR, INL, ISSUP y NRC se asocian para organizar un evento global presencial y en línea del 11 al 16 de mayo de 2022 en Abu Dhabi, Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Damos la bienvenida a la presentación de resúmenes para presentaciones subplenarias y pósteres en el evento. ¡PLAZO EXTENDIDO!
ISSUP Nigeria is pleased to welcome the Federal Cooperative College Kaduna as a student wing member of ISSUP Nigeria National Chapter following their successful inauguration ceremony on Tuesday 17th August 2021. ISSUP Nigeria is even more eager to serve the student body.
The Annual Meeting will be held on March 2-5 2022, and is currently scheduled to take place at the Edinburgh International Conference Center in Edinburgh, Scotland.
The SRNT 2022 Annual Meeting may be a hybrid (part in person, part virtual) or entirely virtual, depending on how things play out in the coming months. A final decision about the meeting format (face-to-face hybrid virtual component vs. entirely virtual) will not be made for some time. In the meantime, attendees should not hesitate to submit for fear of being unable to travel. Rest assured that the meeting, no matter the chosen...
Manu, E., Douglas, M., Ntsaba, M.J. et al. Perspectives of illicit marijuana growers and traders on commercial legalisation of marijuana in South Africa: considerations for policy formulation. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 16, 54 (2021).
Over the past era, there has been a call for legalizing marijuana cultivation and trading for commercial purposes in South Africa. Advocates of the call argue that the criminalization of commercial marijuana cultivation and trading has failed to stop illicit marijuana cultivation and trading. Nevertheless, the views of those who economically benefit from the illicit marijuana trade on its legalization remain empirically unsolicited.
This study aimed to understand the views of illegal marijuana growers and traders from two selected communities in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa...
Consisting of five separate booklets, the World Drug Report 2021 provides an in-depth analysis of the global drug markets and paints a comprehensive picture of the measurable effects and potential impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the world drug problem.
ISSUP Nigeria will be working with the Federal Ministry of Health in Nigeria along with key stakeholders to address drug control within the country.
This is a key focus for ISSUP Nigeria which they aim to achieve by working effectively with different stakeholders within the area of drug demand reduction. As such, this collaboration is in line with the goals and objectives of ISSUP Nigeria for the year 2021.
ISSUP Nigeria has released its fourth Newsletter! This edition features an excerpt from the ISSUP Nigeria Chapter professional code of ethics and standards, Annual General Meeting / Scientific Conference, Kaduna state branch of ISSUP Nigeria Chapter and a focus on state coordinators. The publication also includes highlights from the second and third ISSUP Nigeria Chapter bi-monthly webinars, a list of ongoing activities by members as well as upcoming events, meetings and conferences under the news column. Enjoy it!
The Sixth Plenary Session of the 'Drug Demand Reduction in Africa: Prevention, Treatment and Epidemiology' Virtual Conference from 16th September to 10th November 2020.
The Fourth Plenary Session of the 'Drug Demand Reduction in Africa: Prevention, Treatment and Epidemiology' Virtual Conference from 16th September to 10th November 2020.
The Third Plenary Session of the 'Drug Demand Reduction in Africa: Prevention, Treatment and Epidemiology' Virtual Conference from 16th September to 10th November 2020.