17th EFTC Conference 2019

The European Federation of Therapeutic Communities (EFTC) Conference aims to provide to member organizations and colleagues from all disciplines of drug treatment the opportunity to present, question, clarify and communicate the results, and evaluation of the processes of addiction recovery achieved in therapeutic communities.
The objective of the 17th EFTC Conference is to better understand the process of addiction recovery with a focus on Change that needs to be made in the Therapeutic Communities for Addiction, in order to meet with today’s needs, based on contemporary research and practices.
The theme becomes even more exigent in the “Age of Austerity”, where we are asked to “do more with less”. In particular, we aim to explore both personal and organizational change, innovative services in TCs as well as innovative services in prevention and early intervention.
The 17th EFTC Conference is a unique opportunity for the exchange of knowledge and good practices as well as networking between professionals that work in the drug addiction field, researchers, academicians, tutors, students and therapeutic community members.
Application submission is open. The deadline to submit a proposal is the 15th of April.