NAADAC 2019 Annual Conference
Submitted by Edie

NAADAC invites you to its 2019 Annual Conference: Navigating the Addiction Profession in Orlando, FL from September 28 - October 3, 2019.
Don't miss six days of education, training, networking, and capacity-building with leaders in the addiction profession!
Topics include:
- Practice Management & Technology
- Co-Occurring Disorders
- Psychopharmacology
- Clinical Skills
- Cultural Humility
- Process Addictions
- Recovery Support (Clinical)
- Education/INCASE
- Peer Recovery (Non-Clinical)
The conference will feature full-day pre- and post-conference sessions, six keynote speakers, 10 tracks, over 60 breakout sessions, a two-day Department of Transportation Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) Qualification/Requalification course, a two-day Conflict Resolution for Recovery course, onsite bookstores, an Awards Lunch, a packed Exhibit Hall, and exciting evening activities!
Registration is now open!