Webinar: Addresses in Substance Use Treatment in Children and Adolescents

Buenos Aires, Argentina,
ISSUP Argentina flyer

ISSUP Argentina invites you to participate in a webinar focused on the axes of approaching and treating substance use in children and adolescents.
The webinar will take place on Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 18:00 hrs (Argentine time).

November 11, 2020, 18:00 - 19:00 hrs (Argentina time)

Click here to sign up for the webinar

The Webinar aims to provide an initial framework for the key axes of substance use approach and treatment in children and adolescents. Aspects of the "Child Curriculum" (Colombo Plan) and fundamental aspects for the practice will be developed in an introductory manner.


Dr. Veronica Brasesco. PhD in Psychology. Specialist in children's clinic. Member of the Argentine chapter of ISSUP. Master Trainer at Colombo Plan, Drug Advisory Programme (DAP), CHILD Programme (Child Intervention for Living Drug-Free)

Dr. Marta Braschi. University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Pediatrician and toxicologist. Secretary of the addiction working group of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics. Professor of toxicology at UBA

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