
ISSUP Filipina mengundang Anda untuk menghadiri Pertemuan Keanggotaan Bulanan Pertama mereka, yang menampilkan Forum tentang Penaklukan & Tantangan Perempuan di Dunia VUCA. Temanya adalah 'We make change work for the women'.
  Para pemimpin Bab Nasional menawarkan sambutan hangat kepada ISSUP Yunani karena bergabung dengan keluarga Bab Nasional ISSUP yang terus berkembang.
Sambutan hangat untuk ISSUP Ukraina dari seluruh keluarga ISSUP National Chapter!
We are excited to celebrate the launch of ISSUP Greece! This Webinar introduced the new National Chapter in Greece in regards to what ISSUP has to offer worldwide and in Greece in particular. Key speakers made brief presentations about the importance of prevention,
ISSUP Nigeria are excited to invite you to their Fifth Knowledge Update Series Webinar on the topic of 'Recovery in Substance Use Disorders: The Family as a Resource'.
ISSUP Nigeria Chapter, yang dipimpin oleh Presiden Nasional, Dr. Martin O. Agwogie melakukan kunjungan kehormatan ke Kementerian Kesehatan Federal dan Badan Penegakan Hukum Narkoba Nasional (NDLEA). Di Kementerian Kesehatan, tim diterima oleh Menteri Kesehatan yang Terhormat, Dr. Osagie Ehanire dan Menteri Negara untuk Kesehatan Dr. (Sen.) Adeleke Olorunnimbe Mamora dan beberapa Direktur di Kementerian. Di kantor NDLEA, tim diterima oleh Ketua/Chief Executive Officer, Brigjen.
The main objective of this event was to highlight how mental health awareness is vastly underplayed by a majority of the population, and therein lays the fundamental problem in many low and middle-income countries. There are numerous causes that hinder the progress in mental health service delivery in such countries. These include social
Pada 12 Februari 2021, ISSUP Pakistan Chapter, M A Jinnah Foundation (Regd), Sialkot, dengan kolaborasi Youth Forum Pakistan's Team Sialkot, melakukan Family Care Therapeutics Session di New Life Rehabilitation Center (For Drug Use Prevention, Treatment &; Rehabilitation), Sialkot. Selama sesi tersebut, Mr.