Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - Sel, 02/01/2022 - 10:28
During the months of November, December & January, ISSUP’s National Chapters came together virtually to discuss priorities, research, collaboration opportunities and our forthcoming conference and workshop next May in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Shared by Rasha Abi Hana
- Sen, 01/10/2022 - 07:22
Scientific article
Published by / Citation
Yachnik, Y., Pinchuk, I., Myshakivska, O., Pinchuk, A., Boltonosov, S., Pievskaya, J., Gluzman, S., Korol, I., & Johnson, K. (2021). Training needs assessment of specialists who provide care to people with substance use disorders in Ukraine. Adiktologie, 21 (4), 239–249.
In Ukraine, substance use disorders (SUDs) and rates of HIV infection are growing, the number of specialists does not meet country’s addiction treatment demands, and the quality of the care is often insufficient and does not cover the current treatment needs. A necessary first step to improving care for people with SUD in Ukraine is training needs assessment of addiction specialists.
A survey instrument, “Training Needs Survey for SUD Specialists,” developed by the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), an agency of the United States...
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - Jum, 10/22/2021 - 11:32
ISSUP Webinar
ISSUP Ukraine are pleased to present the Second Webinar in their Three-Part Series on 'Mental Health of Youth and Substance'. The Second Webinar will focus specifically on Mood Disorders in Children and Adolescents.
Shared by Joanna
(ISSUP staff) - Jum, 10/01/2021 - 16:57
The abstract submission deadline EXTENDED! Abstract submissions for our event taking place online and in person in Abu Dhabi: 11-16th May, 2022 has been extended to 31st October! Find out more about the event and submit your abstract:
Shared by Olivia Woodrow
- Sel, 09/21/2021 - 11:23
ISSUP Webinar
ISSUP Ukraine are pleased to present the First Webinar in their Three-Part Series on 'Mental Health of Youth and Substance'. The First Webinar will centre specifically on Self-Harm and Suicide in Young.
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - Kam, 09/09/2021 - 09:55
ICUDDR, INL, ISSUP and NRC are partnering to host a global in person and online event from 11th – 16th May 2022 in Abu Dhabi, UAE. We welcome abstract submissions for sub-plenary and poster presentations at the event. DEADLINE EXTENDED!
Shared by Rasha Abi Hana
- Sen, 07/19/2021 - 11:28
The Annual Meeting will be held on March 2-5 2022, and is currently scheduled to take place at the Edinburgh International Conference Center in Edinburgh, Scotland.
The SRNT 2022 Annual Meeting may be a hybrid (part in person, part virtual) or entirely virtual, depending on how things play out in the coming months. A final decision about the meeting format (face-to-face hybrid virtual component vs. entirely virtual) will not be made for some time. In the meantime, attendees should not hesitate to submit for fear of being unable to travel. Rest assured that the meeting, no matter the...
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - Jum, 06/25/2021 - 10:06
Published by / Citation
Consisting of five separate booklets, the World Drug Report 2021 provides an in-depth analysis of the global drug markets and paints a comprehensive picture of the measurable effects and potential impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the world drug problem.
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - Jum, 05/28/2021 - 12:07
Event Date
Kongres Regional WPA 2021 "Psikopatologi dalam Periode Transisi" yang diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Psikiatri Dunia bekerja sama dengan Asosiasi Psikiatri Ukraina dan Yayasan Amal Inovasi Penelitian dalam Kedokteran "RIMON" akan berlangsung pada 7-9 Juli 2021 di kota Kyiv, Ukraina yang menarik dan berbudaya, dalam format hybrid (offline & online).
We are very pleased to invite you to join the ISSUP Ukraine Launch that will take place on Thursday, November 26, 2020, at 12:30 pm EEST/4:30 am EST. It will be a major session at the beginning of the VIII Annual...
Affective disorders, or mood disorders, are often diagnosed in people who use or are addicted to psychoactive substances. Symptoms of substance use disorder can mimic symptoms of both depression and mania. For example, acute alcohol intoxication or stimulant intoxication can cause symptoms of mania or hypomania, and withdrawal symptoms often manifest with dysphoria and depression. Treatment of comorbid mood disorders affects the further course of the disease and treatment prognosis. Why does this happen? Why is it important to diagnose depression, bipolar disorder? Is it correct to screen for...
The effect of psychoactive substances on the human body has it’s gender differences. For example, alcohol dependence is a growing problem among women. Predisposition to alcoholism is higher in women primarily due to structural and physiological differences, they are more likely experience adverse effects, faster than men develop addiction to alcohol. There are also specific health risks associated only with women, such as fetal alcohol syndrome, breast cancer and others. In general, women more likely have stronger craving for psychoactive substances and more likely experience relapse. About...
Shared by Joanna
(ISSUP staff) - Rab, 06/24/2020 - 18:25
Event Date
ISSUP Ukraina dengan senang hati mengundang Anda untuk menghadiri webinar tentang Aspek Klinis Gangguan Penggunaan Zat. Webinar dijadwalkan akan dipresentasikan pada Kamis, 2 Juli 2020 mulai pukul 13.00 hingga 14.30 (waktu Ukraina). Webinar akan disajikan dalam bahasa Ukraina dan Rusia.
ISSUP Ukraina dengan senang hati mengundang Anda untuk menghadiri webinar tentang Aspek Klinis Gangguan Penggunaan Zat. Webinar dijadwalkan akan disajikan pada hari Kamis, 2 Juli 2020 mulai pukul 1:00 hingga 2:30 (waktu Ukraina). Webinar akan disajikan dalam bahasa Ukraina dan Rusia.
Juli 2, 2020 dari 1:00 siang hingga 2:30 sore (waktu Ukraina)
ISSUP Ukraine is pleased to invite you to attend a webinar on Educational Initiatives. The webinar is scheduled to be presented on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm (Ukraine time)
June 17, 2020 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm (Ukraine time)
1. Iryna Pinchuk, Institute of Psychiatry of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Director, «ISSUP - Ukraine»
2. Yulia Yachnik, University Clinic of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Doctor psychologist, «Assessment of the training needs of professionals who provide...
ISSUP Ukraina bermitra dengan ISSUP Global untuk menghadirkan webinar tentang Masalah Kesehatan Mental selama Pandemi COVID-19.
Tanggal: Rabu, 3 Juni 2020
Narasumber antara lain: o Alisa Ladyk-Bryzgalova, Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (kantor di Ukraina), «Aspek Psikososial Pandemi COVID-19» o Robert van Voren, yayasan internasional «Global Initiative on Psychiatry (GIP)», Sekretaris Jenderal, «Kampanye internasional "Mind the Gap" sebagai alat destigmatisasi di bidang kesehatan mental» o Iryna Pinchuk, Institut Psikiatri Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv...
ISSUP Ukraina dengan senang hati mengundang Anda untuk menghadiri webinar tentang masalah kesehatan mental di Ukraina selama epidemi COVID-19. Webinar dijadwalkan akan dipresentasikan pada Rabu, 3 Juni 2020 dari pukul 13:00 hingga 14:00 ...