Are former heavy drinkers in the UK less likely to identify as being in recovery compared to those in the USA? A pilot test
The Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) movement created the term "in recovery" to express the continuing requirement for vigilance in order to sustain sobriety (which includes abstinence from alcohol intake) and avoid a return to dangerous drinking...
Minority Fellowship Program
The NBCC Foundation and NAADAC are pleased to announce the 2022 application period for the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) Minority Fellowship Program for Addictions Counselors (MFP-AC) is now open. This program is made...
Psychosocial Interventions to Improve Psychological, Social and Physical Wellbeing in Family Members Affected by an Adult Relative’s Substance Use: A Systematic Search and Review of the Evidence
The use of alcohol and drugs is a significant public health concern and is prevalent in families. Over 100 million people are thought to be affected by a close relative's substance use, with many experiencing negative health and social...
SPR International Early Career Funding to attend EUSPR 2021 Conference online, 29/09/21-1/10/21
The SPR Board of Directors has allocated $3,000 in funds to support early-career prevention researchers to attend the EUSPR. The purpose of the travel funds is to enable ECPNers to attend EUSPR and network on behalf of SPR, especially with...
UNODC Trains Team of National Trainers from Kyrgyzstan within the Advanced Level of the Universal Treatment Curriculum for Substance Use Disorders
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia supported a training of trainers (ToT) on the Course 11 “Enhancing Motivational Interviewing Skills”. This course is part of the Advanced Level of the Universal Treatment Curriculum for Substance...
My journey begins with compassion
Stigma is a major barrier to the well-being and recovery of people with lived and living experience of substance use disorders.
This animated video about two friends, Alex and Sam, explores the devastating impact of substance use stigma...
Tujuan wisata ganja: Risiko bagi pelancong yang rentan dengan gangguan mental yang sudah ada sebelumnya
Membuat Kawasan Eropa Lebih Aman: perkembangan kebijakan pengendalian alkohol, 2010–2019 (2021)
Laporan ini menyajikan status konsumsi alkohol saat ini, bahaya yang disebabkan oleh alkohol dan penerapan kebijakan pengendalian alkohol di Wilayah Eropa WHO, menggunakan data yang tersedia dari 2010, 2016 dan 2019.
Gambaran rinci...
Профилактика и помощь при передозировках психоактивными веществами
ISSUP Казахстан приглашает вас принять участие в предстоящем вебинаре по теме: 'Профилактика и помощь при передозировках психоактивными веществами'.
Широкое распространение наркотиков, а также использование Интернета для их...
COVID-19 &Penggunaan Zat di Kanada: Dampak pada Konsumsi, Layanan, dan Penyedia Layanan
Adiktologie (21)...
Further Enhancing the Implementation of Quality Standards in Drug Demand Reduction Across Europe
The EU Strategy 2021-2025 puts further emphasis on QS and evidence-based interventions.
Yet, the extent and ways in which QS are implemented in daily practices of drug prevention, treatment and harm reduction in the EU varies...
Synthetic cannabinoids in Europe – a review
This report provides a technical review of the current body of knowledge regarding synthetic cannabinoids that are monitored by the the EU Early Warning System.
The aim of this report is to strengthen situational awareness of synthetic...
Rekomendasi "Penjangkauan web untuk orang-orang yang menggunakan narkoba"
Kantor Program Regional UNODC untuk Eropa Timur (Kiev, Ukraina), bekerja sama dengan Humanitarian Action Fund (St. Petersburg, Rusia), mengeluarkan rekomendasi tentang penjangkauan web untuk orang-orang yang menggunakan narkoba (PWUD)...
Online Training on UTC 4A
Psychoeducation for Clients & Families.
Organized by Supreme Training & Consultancy Malaysia.
For registration, please email pm [dot] stcm [at] gmail [dot] com
Tanggap COVID-19: Dukungan Kesehatan Mental dan Psikososial untuk Tenaga Kesehatan Masyarakat
Kursus online ini memberikan gambaran tentang bagaimana petugas kesehatan masyarakat (CHW) dapat mendukung komunitas mereka dengan memberikan dukungan kesehatan mental dan psikososial yang tepat selama pandemi COVID-19.
Dalam kursus...
Overdosis obat: film tentang kehidupan
Penentu Sosial &; Penggunaan Zat: Perspektif di Luar Kebijakan 'Silo' Pragmatik
Penentu Sosial &; Penggunaan Zat: Perspektif di Luar Kebijakan 'Silo' Pragmatik - Makalah ini (versi sinoptik, peer review dan diterbitkan dalam Journal of Global Drug Policy &; Practice) adalah tinjauan dan penelitian tentang determinan...