The ISSUP activities funded by the U.S. Department of State are temporarily suspended.
This website will remain live, but ISSUP is not currently monitoring or updating it. No new membership applications will be accepted or reviewed, no posts or comments will be possible, and members cannot login.
This information will be updated with any change in circumstances. Thank you for your understanding.

Olivia Woodrow

Membangun Ketahanan dan Bangkit Kembali dari Kemunduran dalam Pemulihan: Perspektif PEER

Shared by Olivia Woodrow - 25 April 2023
Lalithawathy K…

Hi. Good day. I have attended this webinar session yesterday. will I get any participation certificate? How to add my course list in ISSUP. please advise. Thanks in advance. 


Hi Lalithawathy,

You will receive your Certificate of Participation via email within 24 – 48 hours after attending an ISSUP Webinar. The Certificate is located at the bottom of the follow up email from GoToWebinar. If you did not receive your Certificate, please email info [at] issup [dot] net (info[at]issup[dot]net) for a copy.

Many thanks,

Edie O'Dowd

Scientific Support Team Coordinator

International Society of Substance Use Professionals