
ISSUP Namibia in collaboration with UNODC invite you to attend their upcoming Webinar on Early Prevention of Drug Use: Understanding and implementing the UNODC/WHO International Standards on Drug Use Prevention for Effective Prevention Strategies and a Healthy and Safe Child Development.
It is our great pleasure and honour to invite you to take part in the IX Annual Ukrainian Psychiatric Association International Conference, “The Price of Peace in Our Time”.
ISSUP attended a consultation at the WHO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland along with other key professional associations and academic groups held on 18-20 January 2023.
Se invita a los profesionales de la red internacional ISSUP a cursar el Diplomado Género, Violencia Familiar y Adicciones, 16ª Generación, que Centros de Integración Juvenil, A.C. (México), realiza en coordinación con la Dirección General de Atención a la Salud de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y el Colegio de Estudios Superiores en Adicciones Dr. Jesús Kumate Rodríguez, A.C. 
Se invita a los profesionales de la red internacional de ISSUP a cursar la Maestría en Gestión de Adicciones, que imparte la Escuela Internacional en Psicología de la Universidad Anáhuac, Cancún en colaboración con Centros de Integración Juvenil, A.C. (México) y el Colegio de Estudios Superiores en Adicciones Dr. Jesús Kumate Rodríguez, A.C. 
On Thursday 16th February ISSUP (K) President Dr. Pamela Kaithuru and Deputy President Catherine Muthiani paid a courtesy call on Director Kanini, Head of Medical Services, Administration Police Services. They introduced ISSUP to the Administration Police Service and discussed possible areas of collaboration. The director was joined by Dr Muthondeki, Head of Mental Wellness, APS. The successful meeting will be followed by a proposal identifying areas and modalities of partnership.
Lanzamiento de capítulos ISSUP e ITTC Colombia
ISSUP Pakistan Chapter condurrà una sessione dal vivo in lingua inglese su "SUPPORTING CLIENTS THROUGH SUBSTANCE USE RECOVERY-AN OVERVIEW " dalle pagine Facebook, dal gruppo Facebook, dai canali YouTube, da Twitter, Instagram e LinkedIn di ISSUP Pakistan Chapter, dalla pagina Facebook e dal canale YouTube di Youth Forum Pakistan e dalla pagina Facebook di Colombo Plan Pakistan con l'ospite d'onore FATIMA ABIOLA POPOOLA dalla Nigeria che è vice comandante, Riduzione della domanda di droga pre