Standards for Opioid Use Disorder Care: An Assessment of Nordic Approaches
Opioid Use disorder is one of the most challenging forms of addiction facing health care systems around the world. The treatment of opioid dependence is important to reduce its health and social consequences and to improve the well-being...
Il legame tra la commercializzazione di prodotti oppioidi e la mortalità da overdose correlate agli oppioidi
Effectiveness Bank Analysis: Make Patients Partners in Therapy
Research findings amalgamated for the American Psychological Association show that outcomes of psychosocial treatments are substantially improved when clients and therapists agree on goals and methods and form collaborative relationships...
Le famiglie prima di tutto
Alcohol Consumption and Parenthood
E-Collection: consumo di alcol e uso dannoso di alcol
Webinar: Compassionate Pragmatism an Integrative Approach to Treating Problematic Substance Use
Andrew Tatarsky, Ph.D., Founder and Director The Center for Optimal Living will take us through a harm reduction approach which has compassion at its centre. This webinar looks at harm reduction across the range of risk behaviours...
Inside Health Podcast- E-cigarettes, Prehabilitation before surgery, Hospital safety
This Inside Health podcast discusses why vaping is dividing public health experts causing a polarised split; prehabilitation before cancer surgery and the benefits of preparing for an operation; plus can hospital safety be compared to...
Un invito a presentare articoli cross-journal - Uso di sostanze, abuso e dipendenza: prevenzione e trattamento
L'uso e l'abuso di sostanze colpiscono persone in tutto il mondo, di tutte le età e di tutti i ceti sociali, causando un notevole onere di cattiva salute e mortalità e presentando grandi sfide nella prevenzione e nel trattamento.
The Effects of Oxytocin on Withdrawal, Craving and Stress Response in Heroin-Dependent Patients
According to the World Drug Report opioids are the most harmful drug type, accounting for 70% of the adverse health impacts associated with drug use disorders worldwide. Treatment typically focusses on controlling withdrawal, preventing...
Toolkit delle Nazioni Unite sulle droghe sintetiche
Gli orientamenti internazionali in materia di diritti umani e politica in materia di droga
Il Drug Advisory Training Hub (DATH) e le attività di riduzione della domanda di droga YOCFAN nelle istituzioni educative
Drug Advisory Training Hub (DATH) e YOCFAN hanno pubblicato il loro ultimo rapporto sui progressi che delinea il lavoro svolto nell'ambito del loro programma di prevenzione nel Punjab di Lahore.
Oltre a fornire le cifre chiave e gli...
Invito per formatori globali
Corso 6: Case Management per Professionisti delle Dipendenze
Si tratta di un corso di base e basato sulle competenze che fornisce una panoramica della gestione dei casi nel trattamento SUD e fornisce competenze pratiche nelle funzioni di...
Effectiveness Bank Analysis: Emotions Thought to Drive Effective Therapy
Research findings amalgamated for the American Psychological Association show that the outcomes of psychotherapy are substantially and significantly better the more the therapist or especially the client display emotional arousal during...
Hazardous Alcohol Use among Patients with Schizophrenia and Depression
Harmful alcohol use is known to increase the risk of alcohol dependence as well as physical conditions such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and cirrhosis.
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a common co-occurring disorder in people...
Assessing Prenatal Alcohol Exposure in a Study of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a diagnostic term used to describe physical, neurodevelopmental, and cognitive impairments that have occurred following exposure to alcohol during pregnancy. The diagnosis of FASD requires a...
Centros de Integración Biblioteca Virtual En Adicciones
The Virtual Library in Addictions, developed by Centros de Integración Juvenil, allows access to resources and information services specialized in Addictions and related topics, serving users of different levels.
The aim of the library...