
Messaggio di Capodanno dal Direttore

Abbracciare la prevenzione come investimento per la salute e il benessere


Advancing Addiction Science Through Collaboration with MAHSA University

At the heart of impactful progress lies the power of collaboration. We are thrilled to announce the deepening of our partnership with MAHSA University as we jointly advance research and postgraduate programs in


(Video) Welcome to the ISSUP Malaysia Youth Channel

The ISSUP Malaysia Youth team send a very warm welcome to all of our viewers and discuss why we need to invest in substance use prevention.


ISSUP Malaysia at Healthy for Life EXPO 2024!

From October 8-12, ISSUP Malaysia was excited to be part of the Healthy for Life EXPO 2024 at Meditel, Sarawak General Hospital!

At our interactive booth, we showcased the importance of mental health through engaging games like word hunts, puzzles, and quizzes. Visitors of all ages enjoyed testing their minds while learning key tips to nurture their mental well-being.


Giornata della salute mentale a Bau

Oggi, 12 ottobre 2024, ci siamo divertiti moltissimo a presentare la consapevolezza della salute mentale presso il nostro stand ISSUP Malaysia. È stato fantastico vedere così tante persone impegnarsi nei nostri divertenti giochi come cacce di parole, puzzle e quiz.

È stata anche un'opportunità per ISSUP Malaysia di promuovere i suoi membri e siamo stati felici di dare il benvenuto ad alcune persone entusiaste che la pensano allo stesso modo nel nostro Capitolo Nazionale.


Family UNited Training

Family UNited is a universal, brief family skills programme addressing the needs of families living in low and middle income countries.

Family skills programmes support caregivers to be better parents and strengthen positive age-specific and age appropriate family functioning and interactions. 


ISSUP Malaysia at Healthy for Life EXPO 2024!

From October 8 - 11, ISSUP Malaysia was excited to be part of the Healthy for Life EXPO 2024 at Meditel, Sarawak General Hospital.

At our interactive booth, we showcased the importance of mental health through engaging games like word hunts, puzzles and quizzes. Visitors of all ages enjoyed testing their minds while learning key tips to nurture their wellbeing.


Sfide nell'implementazione di un programma di prevenzione efficace

ISSUP Malaysia è lieta di invitarvi al prossimo webinar di aprile sulle sfide nell'implementazione di un programma di prevenzione efficace

New Year Message from the President of ISSUP Malaysia

As the sun breaks on 2024, we at ISSUP Malaysia stand at the precipice of a new era, an era built on empowerment and evidence, where we turn the tide on addiction before it even begins.

Workshop TOT sull'UPC 6: Intervento di prevenzione sul posto di lavoro

Appello a tutti coloro che sono interessati a conoscere la prevenzione
Workshop TOT sull'UPC 6: Intervento di prevenzione sul posto di lavoro


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If you have any news, research, publications or events to share from your work or your country, please add to the ISSUP Knowledge Share. This will ensure that this information reaches both the international community and your national colleagues. Thank you!

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