
ISSUP Bahamas Wellness Wednesday - 17 April 2024 - Strategies for Supporting Someone with a Personality Disorder

Join Nathania Bowe, BSc (Hons) in Psychology, and Case Manager at LEAD Institute and Member of ISSUP Bahamas National Chapter on Wednesday, 17 April 2024 for our next 'Wellness Wednesday' session.  We will be delving into essential strategies for supporting individuals with personality disorders. Nathania, with her expertise and experience, brings invaluable insights to help navigate these challenges with compassion and understanding.


ISSUP Bahamas launch 'Wellness Wednesday' campaign

ISSUP Bahamas, in conjunction with the National LEAD Institute, are pleased to announce the launch of their ‘Wellness Wednesday’ campaign.


ISSUP Bahamas General Membership Meeting - 20 February 2024

Join us for the inaugural general membership meeting for ISSUP Bahamas.  We invite professionals from Government, NGO's, faith-based organisations and civil society.  Let us collaborate to combat drug demand and supply.  For more information, please contact (242) 423-4527 or (242) 427-1090.  

The meeting will take place on Tuesday, 20 February at 6 pm at Public Hospitals Authority at PHA Training Centre Centerville.  

We hope to see you there!


Workshop ISSUP Bahamas sulla scienza del disturbo da uso di sostanze

Il 25 agosto 2023 l'ISSUP Bahamas ha tenuto un seminario di un giorno presso il Police Training College di Freeport, Grand Bahama.  Il workshop mirava a facilitare una piattaforma di collaborazione per le diverse parti interessate per esplorare gli aspetti multidimensionali delle sfide legate all'uso di sostanze e sviluppare strategie efficaci per affrontarle.


Workshop: The Science of Substance Use Disorder

Join us this Friday 25th August 2023, 9am to 3pm, at the Royal Bahamas Police Force Training College in Freeport, Grand Bahama, for an enlightening ISSUP Bahamas Workshop on the Science of Substance Use Disorder.

Webinar: "Le persone prima di tutto: fermare lo stigma e la discriminazione, rafforzare la prevenzione"

L'ISSUP Bahamas Chapter si sta preparando per il webinar della Giornata mondiale della droga il 26 giugno 2023. Tema 2023: "Le persone prima di tutto: fermare lo stigma e la discriminazione, rafforzare la prevenzione".

Lancio ufficiale ISSUP Bahamas

Il capitolo nazionale ISSUP Bahamas è stato formalmente lanciato il 2 febbraio 2023 presso l'Università delle Bahamas.  Il tema del lancio era "l'alba di una nuova era nella prevenzione, nel trattamento e nel recupero delle dipendenze".

A questo evento, di persona e online, hanno partecipato diverse organizzazioni delle Bahamas, oltre alla partecipazione internazionale di CICAD e ISSUP Global.


ISSUP Bahamas Facebook Page

ISSUP Bahamas now have a Facebook page!  To follow us with all our latest developments and news, please head to our official Facebook page which can be found via the link below.



ISSUP Bahamas Launch

The Executive Committee and Members of ISSUP Bahamas National Chapter, in conjunction with its host organization, Sandilands


Share YOUR Knowledge

If you have any news, research, publications or events to share from your work or your country, please add to the ISSUP Knowledge Share. This will ensure that this information reaches both the international community and your national colleagues. Thank you!

To add to the Knowledge Share – Sign in or become a member