ISSUP Webinar
Publication Date
Published by / Citation
Diana Crossan
Original Language


Partner Organisation

Update Day on Prevention of Addictions in the Workplace

In collaboration with ISSUP Argentina, ISSUP Ecuador presented the Update on Prevention of Addictions at Work.

The event took place on October 27, 2021

• Jimena Kalawski - Chief of Demand Reduction OAS - CICAD                                                             Opening remarks and institutional presentation (USA)
• Livia Edegger - ISSUP                                                                                                                 Deputy Director Opening remarks and institutional presentation (Germany)
• Representative of the Ministry of Labor of Ecuador Opening remarks and institutional presentation (Ecuador                                                                                      )
• Representative of the Ministry of Labour of Argentina Opening remarks and institutional presentation (Argentina                                                                                   )
Main        Conference
• Luis Bertrand Fauquenot - Addictions Sécurité Travail  Paris                                                                          Substance use in the workplace (France)
Table 1 – Approaches and approaches            
• Diego Riofrió - ISSUP Ecuador - State of drug consumption situation (Ecuador)
• Ernesto González - Argentine Center for Occupational Prevention in Addictions                                                  Prevention in the workplace (Argentina)
• Roberto Canay - ISSUP Argentina - Forum Vitae Boarding Models (Argentina)
Table 2 – Evidence-based            experiences
• Fernanda Meschini - Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (YPF) Experience in an oil company (Argentina)                                                                       
• Juan Cifre - Obra Social Ferroviaria (OSFE) Experience with railway companies and unions in Argentina (Argentina)                                                                                                   
• Carol Zambrano - Master in Prevention of Drug Addiction and Other Addictive Behaviors The Importance of Drug Prevention in the Workplace from the Perspective of Employees (Ecuador)
• Diana Naranjo Restrepo - Occupational Medical Advisor and Occupational                                                        Medical Advisor Drug prevention strategies in Latin America (Colombia)