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“Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”

UGANDA YOUTH DEVELOPMENT LINK (UYDEL) Commemoration of the international women’s day

“Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”

International Women's Day is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8 to commemorate the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women. It is also a focal point in the women's rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women.

The theme of International Women’s Day 2022 is “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow” 

The aim of this theme is to recognize the role of women and girls who are taking responsibility for adapting, mitigating and responding to climate change, to create a more sustainable future for all.

The theme also aligns with the priority theme for the upcoming 66th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66): “Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction policies and programmes”.

Wakiso district in collaboration with partners organised the commemoration of the international women’s day on the 21st -04-2022 at Mende sub-county playground.

International Women's Day is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8 to commemorate the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women. It is also a focal point in the women's rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women.