Role of the University in Systems Change through the Lens of the ITTC Peru: analysis of the experience of a cascade training model
Submitted by Luciana Bruno
1. Dr. Marina Piazza (⚑ Peru) 1
2. Dr. Cecilia Chau (⚑ Peru) 2
1. ITTC Peru, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, 2. Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru
ITTC Peru presents how key systems change conditions have been applied to build capacity to provide treatment for psychoactive use of Community Mental Health Centers in Peru. The presentation provides results of three years of a cascade training model implemented in various regions of the country. It also discusses other systems change key conditions that could be applied to reinforce, sustain, and amplify the results obtained. This analysis is framed in a reflection of the opportunities and challenges of creating change from an academic environment.