Day 3, 11:00 - 12.30, ICUDDR, Systems Change and the Role of the University through the Lens of the ITTC Network: Part 3, Sample ITTC Initiatives in Colombia, Ukraine and Indonesia

Presented at Thessaloniki 2024, on the 28th of June, 2024. 


This panel builds off the first and second International Technology Transfer Centers (ITTC) Network panels about systems change. In panel 2, presenters provided examples from Vietnam, South Africa, and Peru. In this panel, presenters from Colombia, Ukraine, and Indonesia will give descriptions of specific projects their ITTCs have undertaken and how those projects align with the six conditions of systems change outlined in the Water of Systems Change framework.

By the end of all three panels, participants will understand how supporting systems change a pivotal approach in the overarching mission is to mitigate the impact of substance use on a global scale.

Moderator: Dr. Sherry Larkins (⚑ United States) - ITTC Network Coordinating Office, University of California Los Angeles


Dedsy Berbesi & Ovidio Muñoz - The Importance of Advocacy in Impacting Public Policies: Experience of the Colombia ITTC

Irina Pinchuk - Creating Capacity to Address War-time Trauma in Military Veterans in Ukraine

Kristiana Siste - Community-based online psychotherapy for preventing SUD relapse in Indonesia