Dramadependencia. El teatro, clave de nuestra comunicación Autor: Alfonso Ramírez de Arellano
Los dramas humanos se asemejan a los teatrales. Comparten las mismas emociones, se adscriben a un género y obedecen a las mismas leyes de comunicación. Las posiciones desde las que podemos con- templarlos o participar en ellos son iguales...
Call for Speakers for the CND High-Level Segment in March 2024
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) will hold on 14-15 March 2024 a High Level Segment to conduct the 2024 Mid-Term Review. The Review will focus on taking stock of the implementation of all existing international drug policy commitments...
Behavioural Insights into Alcohol Use among Young Adults in the Czech Republic: Study Protocol
A recent survey of alcohol use in the Czech Republic representative for the adult online population presented some worrying findings about the use of alcohol during and in the last stages of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic...
Contribution of Gaming to Overall Leisure Screen Time in Primary School Children
This study aimed to (i) analyse the prevalence of gaming in young elementary school-aged children; (ii) assess the effect of gaming frequency on excessive screen use; and (iii) identify sociodemographic variables associated...
“I’m almost opioid-a-phobic”: family medicine residents’ perceptions of enhancing opioid analgesic and agonist treatment training in a Canadian setting
As deaths from the illicit drug poisoning crisis continue to rise in Canada, increasing the number of healthcare professionals qualified to effectively prescribe opioids could be beneficial. The willingness of family medicine...
WAVE opportunities to attend Lisbon Addictions 2024
WAVE Bursaries to attend Lisbon Addictions 2024
Bi-Monthly Webinar: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (20th Session)
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment Reading List
2022 NSDUH Annual National Report
Read key findings from the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). This report highlights 2022 statistics on substance use, mental health, and treatment in the United States. These national indicators are measured...
SAMHSA: Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) in Behavioural Healthcare
SAMHSA report discusses the evidence supporting the effectiveness of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) as a comprehensive approach, as well as for the implementation and effectiveness of the individual...
Instrument: Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10)
The Drug Abuse Screen Test (DAST-10) was designed to provide a brief, self-report instrument for population screening, clinical case finding and treatment evaluation research. It can be used with adults and older youth.
The DAST-10 yields...
The WHO ASSIST package for hazardous and harmful substance use
The ASSIST package, which consists of a brief questionnaire, a guide for health professionals on how to use the questionnaire in detecting and responding to substance use and also a self-help manual for cutting down or stopping substance...
AUDIT : the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test : guidelines for use in primary health care
This manual introduces the AUDIT, the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, and describes how to use it to identify persons with hazardous and harmful patterns of alcohol consumption. It is distributed with "Brief intervention for...
Stimulant Use Webinar Series. Part III: Examples of Stimulant Use Treatment Programmes.
La Revista CIJ Informa, es publicada por Centros de Integración Juvenil, (CIJ) Institución anfitriona del Capítulo ISSUP México 🇲🇽. En ella podrán enterarse de las diferentes actividades realizadas desde la Institución, el Capítulo Nacional...
Stimulant Use Webinar Series. Part II: Risky Behaviour and Chem Sex Associated with Stimulant Use
Stimulant Use Webinar Series. Part I: About Amphetamine Type Stimulants and Stimulant Use Disorder
Addiction Language Guide
The Addiction Language Guide serves as a comprehensive resource designed to address and combat stigmatizing language associated with addiction. Stigmatizing language often involves attaching negative labels and stereotypes to specific...