
Does Cancer Risk Increase With Alcohol Consumption?

A study published on July 13 by the scientific journal The Lancet Oncology attributed more than 4% of all new cancer cases in 2020 to alcohol consumption. Cancer – what is it? Cancer is a term that encompasses more than 100 different types...

5 Things You Need to Know About Alcohol and Cancer

Rethink your alcohol consumption to decrease your risk of cancer. Most of us are familiar with the link between some lifestyle behaviors and cancer - such as smoking or sedentary lifestyle. But some people may be surprised by the fact that...

'Just a happy hour': the silent danger of alcohol

The long-aforemost Friday and happy hour came with friends from work. Go down one, two, three, ten and then you're drunk. More days begin to repeat themselves in the same way, in order to 'forget the problems' or 'feel free from the...

Some effective tactics for preventing drug use

National and international drug prevention networks, community leaders and strong community coalitions are the key to changing public attitudes and reducing the availability of illicit drugs worldwide. Some effective tactics include...

Drink in moderation. A non-preventive message

Drink in moderation. A healthy, well-meaning and responsible advice, transmitted by the alcoholic beverage industry in all its advertisements, aimed at preventing the problems of excessive alcohol consumption. Right? I'm not so sure. The...

Live com Especialistas: Álcool e outras Drogas no mundo do Futebol - 05/08

O que leva uma pessoa a usar álcool e outras drogas? E quando esta pessoa é um esportista conhecido, tipo um jogador de futebol? Diversos atletas viram suas carreiras serem prejudicadas ou comprometidas devido ao uso dos entorpecentes. Alguns foram descobertos a partir de exames antidoping ou por terem perdido o controle sobre suas vidas.

Alcohol and Immunity: Drinking can affect the body's defense

Abuse of alcoholic beverages can weaken the immune system and leave the body more exposed to diseases. Staying healthy and adopting habits that strengthen immunity are recommendations of health professionals since the beginning of the...

Dependência Química: Quais são os tipos de tratamento

Muitas pessoas não sabem que dependência química é uma doença crônica que possui tratamento. Ela se caracteriza pelo abuso de álcool, maconha, cocaína, crack ou outras substâncias entorpecentes, lícitas ou ilícitas. Esse tipo de doença...