Drug Demand Reduction
Apply for the Colombo Plan Fellowship Programme
Are you a professional working in drug demand reduction? Would you like to gain experience in the field or advance through continuing education? The Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme (CPDAP), with funding from the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), is supporting a Fellowship Program with the goal of expanding professionals in the field of drug demand reduction globally.
Bi-Monthly Webinar: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (Tenth Session)
ISSUP Nigeria are pleased to present their next Bi-Monthly Webinar in the Knowledge Update Series. This Webinar will focus on 'UNODC Innovative Approach to Drug Demand Reduction in Nigeria following COVID-19 Pandemic'.
Bi-Monthly Webinar: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (Tenth Session)
ISSUP Nigeria would like to invite you to their next Bi-Monthly Webinar in the Knowledge Update Series. This Webinar will focus on 'UNODC Innovative Approach to Drug Demand Reduction in Nigeria following COVID-19 Pandemic'.

Implementing and Evaluating the UPC to Promote Capacity Building among Drug Demand Reduction Practitioners in Nigeria: Lessons Learned and Future Directions
BACKGROUND There has been a growing need to improve the knowledge and skills of addiction practitioners worldwide. The development of the Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) is one effort to address these needs. This paper is the first to...
INL's Webinar Week
The U.S. Department of State's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) presents the third annual event on partnering with the private sector to address the world drug problem. The private sector can play a major...

Scientific Evidence: Its Meaning and Contribution to the Drug Demand Reduction Field
ISSUP invites you to join a Webinar on 'Scientific Evidence: Its Meaning and Contribution to the Drug Demand Reduction Field' with Dr. Gabriel Rada. The webinar will explore the issue of scientific evidence and its importance to the field of drug demand reduction.
Scientific Evidence: Its Meaning and Contribution to the Drug Demand Reduction Field
ISSUP invites you to join a Webinar on 'Scientific Evidence: Its Meaning and Contribution to the Drug Demand Reduction Field' with Dr. Gabriel Rada. The webinar will explore the issue of scientific evidence and its importance to the field of drug demand reduction.

ISSUP passes 20,000 member milestone
This week we are delighted to announce that ISSUP has passed the milestone of 20,000 members and now represents members of the drug demand reduction workforce from more than 190 countries and territories around the world.