eating disorders

Eating disorders and AOD use: what clinicians need to know

Video and audio recordings
Presented by Associate Professor Sarah Maguire (Director, InsideOut Institute), by attending this webinar, attendees will learn: - How to recognise the most common eating disorder symptoms; - Eating disorder interventions and how workers...

REUNIÓN SONEPSYN - ISSUP Chile: Abordaje psicológico de la adicción a la comida

Este Lunes 09 de agosto  a las 20:00 hrs. vía Zoom, se realizará la reunión del Grupo de Trabajo de Adicciones de Sonepsyn y de ISSUP-Chile.

En esta oportunidad nuestra invitada es Alejandra Fritis Estay quien nos presentará el tema: "Abordaje psicológico de la adicción a la comida".y será una reunión que haremos en conjunto con el Grupo de Trabajo de Psiquiatría de Enlace de Sonepsyn.

Los datos de conexión son:

Practical Recommendations in the Treatment of Eating Disorders

Event Date

This presentation will discuss strategies for effectively assessing, conceptualizing, and treating co-morbid eating disorders and substance use disorders. The presentation will begin with a brief review of quantitative and qualitative assessment strategies, followed by a short discussion around case conceptualization.

Eating Disorders and Drug Use in Adolescents

The aim of the study was to show whether there was a connection between drug use and eating disorders, as well as to identify the type of drugs most widely used and to ascertain whether they are used to suppress appetite. An “ad hoc” scale...