mental health

Cannabis, Mental Health and Substance Use Health Summary Report

The Cannabis, Mental Health, and Substance Use Health: Research Knowledge Exchange Event Summary Report presents the findings and themes discussed at an event jointly hosted by CCSA (Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction) and the...

3rd Asian Public Mental Health Congress

Event Date

3rd Asian Public Mental Health Congress will provide the psychiatrist and scientists to present their latest research works in the areas of depression,

Asian public mental health congress - Bali

2022 NSDUH Annual National Report

Description: Read key findings from the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). This report highlights 2022 statistics on substance use, mental health, and treatment in the United States. These national indicators are measured...

2nd Euro Depression and Psychiatry Conference

Event Date
United Kingdom

2nd Euro Depression and Psychiatry Conference will provide the psychiatrist and scientists to present their latest research works in the areas of depression and anxiety. It aims to nourish the discussion among researchers and key investigators from multiple disciplines of psychiatry & neuroscience areas to place depression research in the larger context and ideally advance new discoveries.

euro depression and psychiatry conference at Barcelona, Spain

ISSUP Kenya/USIU-Africa World Mental Health Day 2023 Webinar

ISSUP Webinar
ISSUP Kenya and the United States International University - Africa co-hosted a webinar to mark World Mental Health Day 2023. The theme is 'Substance Use Prevention: A Responsive Strategy to Enhance Mental Health in Kenya'.

Practical Guide for Implementing a Trauma-Informed Approach

The guide specifically focuses on tools and strategies for implementing a trauma-informed approach. This guide highlights the need for organizational assessment of readiness and capacity before implementing trauma-informed approach and...