
Reaching out: Supporting services to engage with the most vulnerable drinkers

Event Date
United Kingdom

An online events over two half-days

Wednesday 18 October and Thursday 19 October 2023

The people facing the most serious alcohol issues often face the greatest difficulties accessing the support they need. At this online learning event, we’ll be hearing from people with personal and professional experience about how we can reach out better.

Two people reaching to each other

Outreach Courtesy Call to the Administration Police Service

On Thursday 16th February ISSUP (K) President Dr. Pamela Kaithuru and Deputy President Catherine Muthiani paid a courtesy call on Director Kanini, Head of Medical Services, Administration Police Services. They introduced ISSUP to the Administration Police Service and discussed possible areas of collaboration. The director was joined by Dr Muthondeki, Head of Mental Wellness, APS. The successful meeting will be followed by a proposal identifying areas and modalities of partnership.

Harm Reduction via Online Platforms for People who Use Drugs in Russia

Scientific article
This research investigates how web outreach work is being used as a tool for delivering some harm reduction services to people who use drugs (PWUD) either partially or completely online and for engaging new clients (including hard-to-reach...

Outreach to People Who Survive Opioid Overdose

Scientific article
Often it takes a critical moment, such as when someone survives an overdose, to motivate behavioural change. It is particularly important that at these times people have access to the appropriate treatment. The objective of this study was...