
ICUDDR Conference 2023

Dear ISSUP Members, the Annual ICUDDR took place August 9-11, 2023, at Chiang Mai University in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in partnership with Mahidol University. We had an exceptional opening with remarks from the US Consul General to Chiang Mai, Thailand and the Vice President of Chiang Mai University and the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Mahidol University.

Thailand Cigarette Packaging

One of the ways tobacco companies encourage people to purchase their products is through creating positive associations of brands. These include bright designs and symbols that quickly become familiar to potential customers. In a bid to...

Stop Funding Southeast Asia’s Brutal Drug War

The New York Times published an opinion article on Asia's anti-drug programs and where U.S. involvement has not helped. The article highlights the need for greater drug demand reduction efforts to combat the growing meth crisis in the...

Factors That Make Thai Teenagers Drink Alcohol

Scientific article
Abstract Thailand teenagers currently have more alcohol consumption habits. Especially in the younger age group, which the government has banned the sales of alcohol to children under 18 years old. However, the legislation was not...