Refresher Training and Examination on Universal Training Curriculum for Addiction Professionals Certification
On January 6–8, 2020, Education Provider Parahita (Kasih Mulia Foundation) held a refresher training on the Universal
Training of Assessors on Professional Certification of Indonesian Addiction Counsellors
On January 20-24, 2020, the Institution for the Professional Certification of the National Narcotics Board (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Badan Narkotika Nasional) held a training of assessors on professional certification of Indonesian
ISSUP Indonesia Launch
Based on the plan of the Informal Committee (Ad-Hoc Committee), the establishment of ISSUP INDONESIA will be inaugurated and launched in Jakarta in May 2020, after forming and establishing an Official Board of the organization according to the strategic programs and activities in the short, medium and long term in February 2020.