James Harvey

Plenary 2: Evidence-based Prevention: Policy and Practice

Shared by James Harvey (ISSUP staff) -
Originally posted by Olivia Woodrow -
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ISSUP Webinar
South Africa


Drug Demand Reduction in Africa Virtual Conference ISSUP

The Second Plenary Session of the 'Drug Demand Reduction in Africa: Prevention, Treatment and Epidemiology' Virtual Conference from 16th September to 10th November 2020.

Time: 2:00 – 4:00 pm SA

Register Here for Plenary 2: Evidence-based Prevention: Policy and Practice


Plenary Chair: David Bayever, ISSUP South Africa

1. What Constitutes Evidence-Based Prevention?


  • Jeff Lee - Senior Consultant, ISSUP Global

2. Prevention Standards


3. Media-Based Prevention Programmes


  • William D. Crano - Oskamp Professor of Social Psychology, Division of Behavioral and Organizational Science, Claremont Graduate University, USA

4. Alcohol Use Prevention (data on alcohol use and environmental prevention initiatives)


  • Maristela Monteiro - Regional Advisor on Alcohol and Substance Abuse, Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) 
  • Professor Neo Morojele - Professor and Acting HOD, Department of Psychology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Professor Nazarius Tumwesigye - Associate Professor and Head of Department, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Makerere University School of Public Health, Uganda
  • René Adams - Programme Manager, Substance Abuse Prevention and Drug Control Rehabilitation Division, Social Welfare Services Directorate, Ministry of Health and Social Services, Namibia

5. Question & Answer Session


For more information on the 'Drug Demand Reduction in Africa: Prevention, Treatment and Epidemiology' Virtual Conference, please visit Africa 2020