Karen Belanger

NEW PARENT RESOURCE: Listen First & UNODC Parenting Programs

Karen Belanger - 13 March 2021

Over the past months, we have shared a number of reosurces regarding working parents and how the workplace can support their role within their family that will ultimately have a positive effect on their role on the job. Building confident and encouraging parenting and communication skills helps their kids to resist substance use.


Today we are sharing some resources from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). They havedeveloped resources for parenting entitled "Listen FIrst" and other parenting resources and tips.  This is especially important as families face the stress of lockdown and isolation during the COVID pandemic.


In the featured video, a family in Kyrgyzstan have found greater unity and understanding with a little help from UNODC.


The “Listen First” initiative uses scientific principles to support the well-being of children and their families.


Go to the website  (Video courtesy of UNODC)