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Universal Treatment Curriculum in Tamil (C-1 & 2)

Shared by Edie - 18 August 2021
Originally posted by Thomas Scaria - 18 August 2021
Event Date
City/Region/State or Online
Mangalore, India (Onine Live sessions)
Event Type


UTC sessions in Tamil language, but training materials in English
UTC in Tamil

Ecolink Institute is  organizing an online training on Universal Treatment Curriculum on Substance Use Disorder in Tamil language for the Tamil speaking SUD practitioners around the glove, especially from Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and India. Initially, the course is limited to only Curriculum 1 & 2 and the full course may be offered in future. Global Trainer, Dr.Thirumagal V will be the key resource person. Grab this unique opportunity and understand the science of addiction and evidence based  treatment models in your local language. 

For more details and registration: