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Rasha Abi Hana

New Hampshire Behavioral Health Summit

Shared by Rasha Abi Hana -
Originally posted by Rasha Abi Hana -
Event Date
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December 6-7, 2021

The New Hampshire Behavioral Health Summit is the exclusive statewide event in NH for behavioral healthcare providers and organizations, including mental health and substance use disorders. 

The Summit will:

  • Provides opportunities for policy makers to interact with service providers to foster information sharing​
  • Provides educational opportunities that address the behavioral health policy and service needs of children and adolescents, adults, and the elderly
  • Provides educational opportunities that help participants understand the changing substance use, mental health, and primary health landscape
  • Provides educational opportunities that encourage expansion of the workforce relative to health promotion, prevention, early identification and intervention, treatment and recovery supports
  • Provides opportunities that increase familiarity of the various disciplines and systems to promote collaboration and enhance care coordination
  • Supports the provision of evidenced based practices
Carlos Enrique…

La salud mental es el bienestar general de la manera en que piensas, regulas tus sentimientos y te comportas. A veces, las personas experimentan una importante perturbación en este funcionamiento mental. Puede haber un trastorno mental cuando los patrones o cambios en el pensamiento, los sentimientos o el comportamiento causan angustia o alteran la capacidad de funcionamiento de una persona. Un trastorno de salud mental puede afectar tu capacidad para lo siguiente:

  • Mantener relaciones personales o familiares.
  • Funcionar en entornos sociales.
  • Desempeñarte en el trabajo o en la escuela.
  • Aprender a un nivel acorde a tu edad e inteligencia.
  • Participar en otras actividades importantes.