James Harvey

Addiction Practitioners Forum 2022: Registration now open!

Shared by James Harvey (ISSUP staff) -
Originally posted by James Harvey (ISSUP staff) -
Addiction Practitioners Forum 2022

Substance-Use-Disorder (SUD) professionals often find themselves immersed in their work and as a consequence may not notice the ground-breaking developments which are happening around us. As initial-contact and treatment professionals, it is important that we invest sufficiently in our knowledge and understanding of new developments and the opportunities these may present.

For this purpose, the Addiction Practitioners Forum has been created by the South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SANCA National) to close the gap between practice and theory. SANCA National has partnered the South Africa International Technology Transfer Centre (ITTC); International Society of Substance Use Disorder Professionals (ISSUP), South African Chapter and Clinical Governance to deliver this CPD initiative.

You are invited to join the first online CPD meeting of the Addiction Practitioners Forum on 1 & 2 July 2022 to explore, among others:

• The Initial contact, identifying the red flags of SUD,
• Different treatment options for referral,
• CAGE, screening and assessment for first contact practitioners,
• Understanding the withdrawal process when working in multi-disciplinary teams,
• Drug testing protocols and procedures (challenges/pitfalls/medical-legal considerations),
• Reintegration, aftercare and relapse management,
• Medical-legal considerations in treating SUD,
• +10 Specialised workshops (refer to the program).

You can look forward to connecting with the following participants:

• SUD Treatment Professionals, 
• General Practitioners,
• Nurses,
• Mental Health Practitioners,
• Religious Leaders
• Researchers & Educators
• Policy Makers & Administrators 
• Human Resource Managers

Registration is open, CLICK HERE. We are looking forward to meeting you online at this multidisciplinary CPD accredited event.

Yours sincerely, 

Reverend Jannie Smith                      Associate Professor Goodman Sibeko, MBChB, PhD
SANCA National Chairperson              Director ITTC South Africa