P.Tarpowah Kear, Jr.


P.Tarpowah Kear, Jr. - 18 July 2022

Becky and Brian, hi!

And to you, fellow course participants, it’s great to meet with you on this course!

I am P.Tarpowah Kear, Jr., a Liberian national and pharmacist. Also, I am the founder of the Liberian grassroots development and relief nonprofit called HEAPIDER-Concern.

I eagerly look forward to mutual exchanges of experiences / views with including learning from you. In fact, while it is true that my previous work / offices (e.g. Officer for the Pharmacy and Allied Health Training & Practice Programmes at the headquarters of the West African Health Organization, WAHO - the health organ / institution  of the 15-member Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS ; Pharmacy Directorate in the erstwhile Ministry of Health & Social Welfare Chief Liberia; University of Liberia Pharmacy School; etc.) had somewhat related functions, I am so confident that this course and others contained in these curricula are a must to so more ably prepare me for successful intervention in holistically tackling the problems of addiction.