Barbara Correa

Argentina master's degree launch and on-site visits

Shared by Barbara Correa -
Originally posted by James Harvey (ISSUP staff) -
Argentina visita a centro de tratamiento Fundación Aylén ISSUP
Visita a centro de tratamiento Fundación Aylén

July 2022 saw the launch of a new Master’s degree in Consumption of Psychoactive Substances from a Socio-Health Perspective at the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The launch event was opened by Gabriela Torres, Head of the Secretariat for Comprehensive Drug Policies of the Argentine Nation (SEDRONAR), Jimena Kalawski– CICAD Head of Demand Reduction, Bárbara Correa – ISSUP National Chapters Regional Coordinator, Roberto Canay – Director of the Master’s degree and President of ISSUP Argentina and Verónica Brasesco from ISSUP Argentina. A Masterclass was led by Dr. Carlos Damín (Head of Toxicology at Fernández Hospital, Professor at the University of Buenos Aires and member of the UNODC Scientific Council).

UMSA maestria

After the Masterclass, a presentation of the results of a systemic approach to guide and monitor the selection, implementation and evaluation of preventive interventions in the region took place. The Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) proposed, in 2021, a pilot technical support exercise aimed at five National Chapters of Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru). These results show an example of the great work being undertaken by the National Chapters in their communities and countries to reduce the impact of the consumption of psychoactive substances at the global and regional levels. 

The second day featured a visit to a workplace prevention programme developed by Obra Social Ferroviaria and ISSUP Argentina. The programme was developed almost 10 years ago and has impacted more than 10,000 railway workers throughout the country. It has its own material and several articles published on the impact of its application. As of 2021, the programme was supported by CICAD and evaluated by experts from the University of Miami. 

ISSUP Argentina

The team had the opportunity to visit the place where this programme is being carried out and learn first-hand the testimonies of both, the facilitators and the workers who have benefited from it. It was rewarding to witness the sense of gratitude expressed by the workers and the positive physical and mental health impacts within their local settings and lives.

During the following days, a Regional National Chapters Meeting took place led by Livia Edegger – ISSUP Deputy Director. Regional updates from National Chapters formed part of the agenda, which included cooperation on joint activities such as regional webinars, an expertise directory, networking, trainings and forthcoming events. 

The next day, the team visited the Aylén Foundation treatment center. Since 1994, the Aylén Foundation Non-Governmental Organisation has dedicated its work to prevention, assistance and training in drug addiction. It is a member of RIOD, FLACT and WFTC and has been working applying the quality indicators defined by COPOLAD for several years.

Finally, the team did an on-site visit to the venue of our next Regional Conference – Universidad del Museo Social Argentino - planned to take place in Buenos Aires in April 2023. The ISSUP Regional Conference will include a three-day Conference programme and diverse trainings focusing on prevention, treatment, and recovery support, among other topics. 

UMSA Argentina

We hope you will join us in Buenos Aires next year for this important exchange of knowledge and practices focused on promoting healthy lifestyles. Your presence will be of major value and significance in building networks and relationships to address this major international issue. Stay tuned for more information on our website and social media in the coming months.