ISSUP Chile presented a webinar focused on an intercultural approach to the consumption of alcohol and other drugs, and its implications for the development of public policies.
The webinar took place on Thursday, August 18, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. (Chile time)
Reflection and understanding of the phenomenon of alcohol and other drug consumption from an intercultural approach, and its implications for the development of public policy. It is proposed to generate a discussion about the importance of understanding the phenomenon within the framework of the sociocultural contexts in which it develops, with emphasis on the approach of the various senses and meanings assigned to consumption practices and the relevance of the observation of specific protection and risk factors.
Fernando Toro Ayala
Community Coordinator Senda Previene Program Villarrica commune. Degree in Anthropology UCT Mg in Social Management UFRO Co-author of the text Enfoque de interculturalidad. Proposals for strategies to prevent alcohol and other drug use (2019)