Olivia Woodrow

Session 2: Consultation on Ukraine Emergency Issues

Shared by Olivia Woodrow -
Originally posted by Olivia Woodrow -
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ISSUP Webinar



ISSUP Ukraine and ITTC-Ukraine welcome you to a joint initiative dedicated to the ongoing war and the horrific events resulting from Russia’s attack on Ukraine: Consultation on Ukraine emergency issues: ‘Providing mental health support and care to people affected by the War: general topics and specific cases’

Time: 17:00 UK Time | 19:00 Ukraine Time

Registration: The number of participants in the consultation is limited, therefore it is necessary to register in advance. You will then be sent the meeting link via email.

Register your interest

The scale of the conflict, its impact and persistence, together with gross violations of human rights in a multitude of settings, creates unprecedented challenges for mental health professionals in providing support and care to people affected by war.

For these reasons, we are making monthly consultation calls available to healthcare professionals who work with people in or from Ukraine affected by the war. Experts in helping people through the mental health consequences of mass violence and treating the mental health consequences of trauma will be available to consult on questions related to caring for people impacted by the war in Ukraine.

The purpose is to offer consultation on mental health related questions to healthcare professionals in Ukraine and abroad who are providing care to people affected by the war, to provide expertise on dealing with challenging situations in the course of their care, and create a platform to share experience.

Target audience: This consultation series is mostly targeting mental health professionals, but we invite any healthcare professional who would like to consult on questions related to the mental health of people directly impacted by the war in Ukraine.

Format: Since the consultation is interactive and generally does not involve presentations, we encourage participants to come with general questions (for example, «what to do about sleep disorders or stimulant use?», etc.) or with specific questions (for example, <<what to do in a case where a child refuses to separate from their caregiver>>). (We ask that you present questions in such a way that it is impossible to identify a specific person, so as to maintain confidentiality).

Dr. Sonya Norman
Dr. Patricia Watson

Dates of other Consultation Sessions: