Karen Belanger

Workplace Drug Testing

Karen Belanger - 6 January 2023

Drug testing is a prevention and deterrent method that is often part of a comprehensive drug-free workplace program. Any workplace drug-testing program should comply with applicable laws.

Conducting Drug Tests

Tests may be done by a trained collector who may visit the workplace to collect specimens, or employees may go to an accredited laboratory that is certified for workplace testing. To ensure accuracy, the specimen’s “chain of custody” or tracking method must be continuous from the initial receipt until its disposal.

Employers that are implementing a drug testing program should address the following questions in their drug free workplace written policy and ensure procedures and resources are in place to support the overall program:

  • Who receives testing?
  • When are the tests given?
  • Who conducts the testing?
  • What substances are tested for?
  • Who pays for the drug testing?
  • What steps are taken to ensure the accuracy of the drug tests?
  • What are the legal rights of employees who receive a positive test result?

Employers should create a system to protect the confidentiality of employee drug-testing records. Most companies are administered through human resources departments who are already accustomed to confidentiality protocols. Employees should be educated on the company policy and program and how it will affect them. Employees should be informed on how they can receive assistance in accessing treatment or care before their substance use becomes a workplace problem or accident. They should also know how drug-testing results can be used to inform their treatment, rehabilitation, and re-integration into the workplace.

Types of Drug Tests

Drug tests vary, depending on what types of drugs are being tested for and what types of specimens are being collected. Urine, hair, saliva (oral fluid), blood, breath, nail, or sweat samples can be used as test specimens depending on the laws and technology available in the local of the employer.

In some areas, rules regarding drug and alcohol testing are in place for safety-sensitive industries that regulated by governments or industry associations. In the U.S. the transportation industry is regulated in such a manner and requires a specific drug free workplace program and testing.

Some of the most common drug classes include: amphetamines, cocaine, marijuana, opiates, and Phencyclidine (PCP). Additional categories may include barbiturates, benzodiazepines, ethanol (alcohol), hydrocodone, MDMA, methadone, methaqualone, or propoxyphene.

Drug testing is typically conducted in the following circumstances:

  • Pre-employment: You can make passing a drug test a condition of employment. With this approach, all job candidates will receive drug testing prior to being hired.
  • Annual Physical Tests: You can test your employees for alcohol and other drug use as part of an annual physical examination. Be sure to inform employees that drug-testing will be part of the exam. Failure to provide prior notification may be a violation of the employee's rights.
  • For-cause and Reasonable Suspicion Tests: You may decide to test employees who show discernible signs of being unfit for duty (for-cause testing), or who have a documented pattern of unsafe work behavior (reasonable suspicion testing.) These kinds of tests help to protect the safety and wellbeing of the employee and other coworkers.
  • Post-accident Tests: Testing employees who were involved in a workplace accident or unsafe practices can help determine whether alcohol or other drug use was a contributing factor to the incident.
  • Post-treatment Tests: Testing employees who return to work after completing a rehabilitation program can encourage them to remain drug-free.
  • Random Tests: Tests using an unpredictable selection process are the most effective for deterring illicit drug use.


Test Results

Ensuring the accuracy of drug-testing results is critical. Using a certified laboratory to test the specimens and a qualified physician or science professional, such as a Medical Review Officer (U.S.), to interpret the test results will help prevent inaccurate testing. These trained professionals receive laboratory results and have knowledge of substance use disorders and drug-testing regulations. They are generally trained to interpret and evaluate test results together with the employee’s medical history and other relevant information.

Depending on the workplace and the circumstances, employees who test positive may be referred to EAPs, into treatment, or for other employment action in accordance with employer policy, laws, and industry association rules.


Medical Review Officers


Employee Assistance Programs


Other Resources

Alexander John

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