José Luis Benítez

Professionals of Centros de Integración Juvenil (CIJ) receive training in Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC)

José Luis Benítez -

During 2022, the Training of Trainers for the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC), which is promoted by the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission of the Organization of American States (CICAD/OAS) and the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP), was held.

This program has been created by different teams of curriculum developers, under the coordination of the International Center for Credentialing and Training of Addiction Professionals (ICCE), and its objective is to provide knowledge and skills to specialists with an outstanding career in the field of mental health and care of the drug phenomenon. The goal is to increase international treatment capacity through training, thereby reducing the health, social and economic burden associated with substance use disorders.

On this occasion, 17 members of the team of Centros de Integración Juvenil, A.C. (CIJ) were invited to participate, ten women and seven men, with diverse professional profiles, who work in areas dedicated to the prevention, treatment and training in addictions, as well as members of the institution who are responsible for the operation of institutional programs. The different approaches, experience and work in different contexts that is carried out by each of these professionals, resulted in a very enriching experience, since it allowed the exchange of knowledge and best practices based on evidence that are implemented from their trenches.

The trainers in charge of the workshop were Evelyn Bordón Turo, from Paraguay, and Diego Camacho Madrigal from Costa Rica, who made an extraordinary teamwork and through exercises with great dynamism, shared their extensive knowledge, culture and human quality with the participants. Throughout eight working sessions, which correspond to the UTC units, they reviewed topics related to physiology and pharmacology; mental disorders and co-occurring medical illnesses; basic counseling skills; screening, assessment and treatment planning; case management, crisis intervention and ethics for addiction professionals. These contents and standardized workshop methodology are designed to ensure the development of a balanced perspective of the principles related to both, the science and the art of treatment. In this way, the professionals integrate new tools that can be replicated among their work teams and in different contexts, in order to continue working for the benefit of societies.

The workshop concluded with a closing ceremony, where certificates of participation were awarded. Jimena Kalawski, Chief of the Drug Demand Reduction Unit of CICAD/OAS, was present at the event and enthusiastically acknowledged the work of the CIJs and pointed out the importance of professionals involved in the study and treatment of addictions receiving this type of training to continue expanding the global network for the treatment of drug use and its consequences. Andrea Escobar, Officer of the Drug Demand Reduction Unit, also of CICAD/OAS, said that this training prepares participants for professional certification by providing the most current information on substance use disorders and their treatment, as well as facilitating practical activities to develop skills, confidence and competence. She also emphasized that this is just the starting point of what will be an important collaboration with CIJ.

The closing ceremony was also attended by Carmen Fernández Caceres, General Director of CIJ and President of the Mexico Chapter of ISSUP, who reiterated the institutional commitment to the professionalization of people from all sectors and academic profiles, with a view to improving the quality of mental health and addiction care services. In turn, Dr. Fernandez reported on the continuity that will be given to this Training of Trainers project and the importance of accessing certifications that accredit the professional capabilities of the CIJ team at a global level.

Thus, 17 members of the CIJ team, with different backgrounds, diverse points of view and different action frameworks, met with a common goal: to share knowledge. Now it is time to take advantage of this information, replicate it and transform it into actions and programs aimed at improving the health status and quality of life of people affected by mental health conditions and/or addictions.